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anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

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    anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?


    Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?


    Not a Mcconaughey fan.
    These a whole time paradox scene towards the end which is just totally, ehhh off?

    I went in expecting nothing and cam back about the same.

    There are some interesting bits, I'd say it's worth watching once, but then I love space movies, as well as B (and lower) movies.

    People either loved it or hated it. I was one of the few in middle ground.


      Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

      I thought it was decent enough. As mentioned, extremely long, and the ending was a bit odd. I'd need to watch it again to really get it, and I likely won't for several months.

      It got raves on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB.


        Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

        I thought it was ok. I went in not knowing what to expect. It's definitely a thinker. Don't expect to kick back and be spoon fed, you really have to be paying attention to it. I'll be going back to watch it again for clarification on what was happening in some scenes, especially toward the end. I bought the Blu-ray and watched some of the bonus content first. It helped give some background to understanding some of the things in the movie that I might not have picked up on when watching it.

        The dialogue audio tended to be low, so I had to boost that up. I attribute most of that to Matthew M's mumbling. Outside his Wooderson character, I'm not a fan.

        All in all, I think it's worth a rental.


          Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

          I really liked it. I started it late at night only last week planning to watch for a while but I couldn't stop. Good human drama, good sci-fi stuff. My daughter's science teacher is actually giving them extra credit for watching it.

          Yes, my big gripe was with the audio in parts. I understand that that was very intentional, which actually makes it a little more annoying.

          Spoilerrific plot discussion: my theory is that NASA ran the whole mission without Cooper, running the Plan B scenario and creating a colony on Edmond's planet. Everyone on Earth died. The humans of the new colony survived and thrived and eventually mastered the technology of manipulating time and space, thanks to the proximity of a massive black hole to learn from. So, they decided to create a do-over that would also save Earth. They could observe the past but not act on it because to communicate you need that love bond that was discussed. They identified Cooper and the potential in Murph to be a pair that could learn, teach, communicate and act, and which they did.

          Those are the highlights, I think, but you're welcome to take shots at it. Great movie!


            Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

            This movie has good performance and an interesting scientific story. I had to study quantum mechanics in college as part of the required courses. This movie is about as abstract as theory of light, relativity, and quantum gravity. Although I would disagree with the ending and how things turned out for the human race, it is just a Hollywood movie that actually makes people think about science and the earth in general.


              Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

              I saw it in the theater and thought it was pretty awesome.
              It is much more approachable than some of Nolan's other odd projects.
              I still have not bought it so I don't know how it holds up under multiple re-watches.

              Some of my friends found it too explainy.

              To me it was another well executed Nolan film.
              Fun story, good characters, excellent reveals, pragmatic effect usage and superb camera placement.


                Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

                i watched it. A little disappointed though.its a drama ,intense,and most of the people may not understand the climax.Visually gravity is much better.


                  Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

                  It's one of a few movies that I can say I actually walked out on. Crap.


                    Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

                    But my girlfriend say: "I liked it. I can see this getting nominated for special effects and sound for the Oscars. There are a few boring parts of the movie but once you start watching the scenes that are in outer space, it's pretty amazing visually. I would say be bold and go see it in the IMAX. The outer space scenes are epic and definitely looked amazing on the big IMAX screen. Just to warn you: the movie is almost 3 hours long. "


                      Re: anyone seen INTERSTELLAR?

                      I thought it had the potential to be a great sci-fi movie... until the last 30-40 minutes, where they sold out with the typical Hollywood ending and logic.

