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Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

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    Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

    The video-streaming industry in general needs to get closed-captioning or subtitles for their films. It is very frustrating when a movie that has closed-captioning on DVD doesn't have it on Vudu / streaming.

    Please work on closed-captioning / English subtitling your titles.

    I hope you are.

    Thank you!



    Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

    Hi Patrick,

    Thank you for your post.

    Your recommendations will be passed on to the designers for consideration.


      Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

      I have noticed that the post was dated in 2009. Today, I got LG Bluray and noticed there is no mention whether this movie have closed captioning or not. This is very frustrating so I might opt out this service. Please update this too. Thank you.


        Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

        I totally agree on this option! This is the 2010, and how can you guys possibly leaving out the CC and Subtitles?!?!! have no problem with it and you guys doesn't have it..
        It is very frustrating for people like me with deaf hard of hearing to understand what's going on in the film and even the films on DVD have captioning!
        Please get this issue resolved quickly or you won't get any of my money for owning and renting movies.. =(


          Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

          Has there been any progress on this? Will there be closed caption any time in the near future?


            Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

            What he said. ^^^

            My husband is deaf and we can't (or won't) order any more movies until subtitles or captions are available. It's quite ridiculous that this wasn't an
            automatic feature. It's 2011 VUDU!. Any updates!?



              Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

              Entire family is hearing impared. We need CC for all our films. Please, add the subtitles to the films so that we will be able to rent from you and enjoy the movies. Thanks!


                Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                I know... I've already ask'em and requested for an options such as SDH... almost 3 years ago. I've the original Vudu set-top box (250GB version) in late 2008 and installed the vudu apps on PS3 when it released on PS3 for the first time etc etc. I love Vudu & glad Wal-mart bought'em... the only let-down issues are SDH & options to buy the original language (P.S. I hate Dubbed).


                  Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                  I agree. I would watch a lot more movies on Vudu if there were subtitles. I do not have a hearing impairment, but there are many movies I use the subtitles on when I'm having a hard time understanding an accent, or can't hear the words as well as I'd like due to the background music. I also do not appreciate the volume of some of the newer movies, so I turn it down the really loud ones and use subtitles.


                    Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                    The main reason I'm not using Vudu on a daily basis is the lack of subtitles. My wife is hearing impaired. We rent most of our movies from Redbox, but would love to have the option of renting movies without driving 15 minutes to a kiosk with a lame selection. But the bottom line is movies without subtitles are out of the question.


                      Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                      I was going to watch Project Nim on Vudu because I want to support Vudu. I like it. But instead I watched on Apple TV because it supports closed captioning. You're losing revenue, Vudu, by not having CC yet!


                        Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                        This thread was started in 2009, it's now 2012 and we STILL do not have Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired??
                        You've got to be frigging kidding me? What are you people getting paid to do ?

                        Are you at least working on CC for any films?

                        Really nice how you are treating the hearing disabled.

                        Maybe the media needs to get a bug in their ear.


                          Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                          with the FCC's CVAA (Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act) going into effect this weekend (September 30, 2012) all movies on Vudu (and any other content that was originally shown on TV on or after April 30, 2012) that has been shown on April 30, 2012 or later on TV (HBO, PPV, etc.) and when shown were subject to FCC's captioning rules, then any Internet-based display of the same movie (on or after September 30, 2012) will have to include closed captioning.

                          If VUDU (or anyone else) does NOT display captions for these titles, then anyone can file a complaint to the FCC for non-compliance here:

                          Last edited by ncmacasl; 09-25-2012, 02:56 PM. Reason: Changed effective date


                            Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                            Thanks, ncmacasl! I'm tired of having to choose between waiting until my daughter isn't home or missing dialogue on shows that are TV-MA or movies that are R-rated. I have wireless headphones, but usually my wife and I like to watch together after my daughter has gone to bed, and I'm sick of Amazon and Netflix and Vudu not offering what for some people is an absolute necessity, even if it is just a convenience for me.


                              Re: Closed-captioning / English subtitles please

                              Here's another suggestion: since we might not always know what date a movie or TV show came out how about enabling us to search for closed captioned TV shows / movies or have a closed caption category? By the way, so far EVERY movie or TV show I've checked I haven't seen CC offered. Shows I KNOW have CCing on Netflix and Amazon Instant.

