Re: Question about new update??
Uh, when did we say that storage was coming in the next release. The original Vudu press release says six months. And that was last October. Six months puts the time for release of that feature in the March/April time frame. I think that is setting the expectations pretty darn well.
We've been dropping hints and talking about the streaming HD for some time now. In fact, streaming HD was announced at CES. External storage wasn't.
Have we been reading the same forums is a good question as well because there has been VERY little talk about external storage and it has NEVER even been hinted that it was going to be part of 1.2. Please show me a post where someone at Vudu or one of the moderators or beta testers says that the release of external storage is imminent. I think we referred to the "6 month" notice equalling March or April more than once. And "soon" is a relative term meaning it's on the feature list to be implemented. Soon can mean 6 months as opposed to 12 months. I did promise that I would attempt to put some urgency to this issue and ask that the implementation time frame be moved up. I did that a few weeks ago. Now, why would I promise to do that if it was going to be in an imminent release of software that I'd obviously be beta testing at the time I made the promise to raise the issue?
I don't think it's incumbent upon Vudu or anyone that volunteers as a beta tester or a moderator to detail a list in advance of feature sets that are coming. In fact, we can't.
Why is it so awful to rent a movie you want to see? The viewing is instant so what's the big deal about downloading vs. having it on your box there for you. I understand the purchase only issue and yeah, that's a problem.
Your concerns are well heard and we've been pressing this issue internally to try to get it moved up. As stated, I have done that. But as I'm not a Vudu program manager and not even a Vudu employee my request is just that - a request. It helps to make requests like that, but obviously, there are people with more knowledge about the product than myself who are calling the shots about what needs to be done.
If JohnA stated that this would be in release 1.3, then it will be there. And that's the next major release. If Vudu follows the same course it has, you get a major release approximately every 2 months. 1.0 came out in early October. 1.1 came out in late November. 1.2 came out in late January. So if you apply the same metric, you could see 1.3 coming out in late March. This is NOT a promise or any sort of knowledge of schedule on my part. It could be earlier, it could be later than that. It's simply a guess based on what the track record has been.
Again, sit back with a latte or your favorite adult beverage and enjoy some HD rentals!
Originally posted by rstone
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We've been dropping hints and talking about the streaming HD for some time now. In fact, streaming HD was announced at CES. External storage wasn't.
Have we been reading the same forums is a good question as well because there has been VERY little talk about external storage and it has NEVER even been hinted that it was going to be part of 1.2. Please show me a post where someone at Vudu or one of the moderators or beta testers says that the release of external storage is imminent. I think we referred to the "6 month" notice equalling March or April more than once. And "soon" is a relative term meaning it's on the feature list to be implemented. Soon can mean 6 months as opposed to 12 months. I did promise that I would attempt to put some urgency to this issue and ask that the implementation time frame be moved up. I did that a few weeks ago. Now, why would I promise to do that if it was going to be in an imminent release of software that I'd obviously be beta testing at the time I made the promise to raise the issue?

I don't think it's incumbent upon Vudu or anyone that volunteers as a beta tester or a moderator to detail a list in advance of feature sets that are coming. In fact, we can't.
Why is it so awful to rent a movie you want to see? The viewing is instant so what's the big deal about downloading vs. having it on your box there for you. I understand the purchase only issue and yeah, that's a problem.
Your concerns are well heard and we've been pressing this issue internally to try to get it moved up. As stated, I have done that. But as I'm not a Vudu program manager and not even a Vudu employee my request is just that - a request. It helps to make requests like that, but obviously, there are people with more knowledge about the product than myself who are calling the shots about what needs to be done.
If JohnA stated that this would be in release 1.3, then it will be there. And that's the next major release. If Vudu follows the same course it has, you get a major release approximately every 2 months. 1.0 came out in early October. 1.1 came out in late November. 1.2 came out in late January. So if you apply the same metric, you could see 1.3 coming out in late March. This is NOT a promise or any sort of knowledge of schedule on my part. It could be earlier, it could be later than that. It's simply a guess based on what the track record has been.
Again, sit back with a latte or your favorite adult beverage and enjoy some HD rentals!
