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Vudu STB (BK100)

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    Vudu STB (BK100)

    I have an opportunity to pick up a hard to find BK100 for a friend who can't afford an LG BD390 player. I know some of the moderators who are affiliated with Vudu have said that their original customer base would not be left behind and that these boxes will have streaming capability. Should I go ahead and purchase one or wait a while in the chance the box is redesigned (with something more than a firmware update can fix)? I would be buying it for its streaming capability.


    Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

    I own a STB. I really like the service...I just find the perceived cold shoulder from vudu that I've been feeling very annoying.

    That said, it is still great to have. So you have to weigh the value of the service to the clear fact that new features are not being introduced to the stb as they are for the new sales channels against each other to determine if it is still worthwhile for you to buy as a gift.


      Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

      The VUDUBX100 gives you the best of both worlds - streaming and downloading. If you own a BX100 you are able to download movies directly to your hard-drive, which you can always watch at a later date without an internet connection. The one drawback to the BX100 is that HDX content takes at least a few hours to download before you are able to watch - no matter how fast your internet connection is. In comparison, the streaming service Brazil, which is also available on the BX100, is able to instantly playback HDX if your bandwidth is at least 4.5 Mbps or faster. The downloading service is not available through the LGBD390 or other VUDU embedded devices.


        Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

        Originally posted by AdamS View Post
        The VUDUBX100 gives you the best of both worlds - streaming and downloading.
        understood. and honestly I probably would not stream hdx very often. I'm fine with HD. But new features like rotten tomatoes, hdx trailers, etc. seem like they could be included in a firmware update of the stb. I don't see why we can't get these features.


          Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

          Then the trailers would have to be stored on the hard drive. I know my boxes are pretty full. I can only rent one or two titles before it fills up. Since I can't archive my HD purchases. Unless that has changed recently.


            Re: Vudu STB (BK100)


            keep in mine if VUDU goes out of business the box is worthless. Not saying this is going to happen but if you have the LG blu-ray player you can at the very least use other internet movie services if the unthinkable happens.


              Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

              I really like the capability to download the movie to watch. Rewinding/FastForwarding on streaming video is never fun. I hope there will always be that option rather than to go full streaming all the time. I have a PS3 for my BluRays but even if the BX100 becomes worthless one day - I guess the price of it now ($149) isn't all that prohibitive. If you bought the Vudu STB, you probably spend a heckuva lot more on your home theatre.


                Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

                So, basically with this box you have to choose between streaming HDX OR storing HDX ? If you get Brazil, you can stream HDX, but not download/store..if you dont have Brazil you can download/store but not stream ... is this correct ? Doesnt make sense... this box is basically a DVT, no ? All DVRs I have used can stream and store.


                  Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

                  Its probably common knowledge here, but I just became aware that the BK100 without Brazil, is capped at 4Mbs for downloading ! Thats ridiculous, I have a 25Mbs connection.. why must I wait 6 hours for an HDX movie to download. I'm seriously considering returning the unit to Best Buy.


                    Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

                    Originally posted by mintakax View Post
                    Its probably common knowledge here, but I just became aware that the BK100 without Brazil, is capped at 4Mbs for downloading ! Thats ridiculous, I have a 25Mbs connection.. why must I wait 6 hours for an HDX movie to download. I'm seriously considering returning the unit to Best Buy.

                    This has always been the case. It is nothing new.

                    And the speeds are listed in the literature and website so it should be no surprise.

                    Plus Brazil is a Beta right now.


                      Re: Vudu STB (BK100)

                      Originally posted by aaronwt View Post
                      This has always been the case. It is nothing new.

                      And the speeds are listed in the literature and website so it should be no surprise.

                      Plus Brazil is a Beta right now.
                      After spending the weekend viewing movies, I must say that my initial disappointment has been diminished substantially. The video quality and the selection of HD and HDX movies is great. I can live with the weak points of the box and OS and am happy that I have VUDU !

