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AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

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    Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

    Mossberg is another Apple Fanboy. Along with Leporte, and the old crew from TechTv.

    You can't get unbiased info from these groups.


      Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

      Originally posted by NA9D View Post
      Yes, but at least unlike other closed universe devices (ie: Zune anyone?), the "i" products are multi-platform.
      hey! I like both of my Zune players. I got a 30GB when it cam eout then an 80GB when they came out.


        Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

        Originally posted by aaronwt View Post
        hey! I like both of my Zune players. I got a 30GB when it cam eout then an 80GB when they came out.
        I finally met someone else with a Zune outside of Zune sites/boards!


          Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

          If you thought EngHD was biased towards Applie, here's an article from AppleInsider that compares HD quality of aTV, Vudu, UnBox, and 360.

          It offers such gems as:
          Vudu's 720p content is already heavily compressed, and it only offers a small selection of 1080p titles, so its hardware advantage primarily just makes the unit more expensive.
          (Vudu HD only comes in 1080p, SD is 480p)


          Vudu hit the ground running first, but has been forced to drop its hardware price from around $400 to $295 to compete with Apple TV. Since Apple intentionally runs its iTunes Store at only a slight profit in order to provide content for its hardware, Vudu's expensive hardware cut suggests big problems for the startup, as it will be forced to compete in media sales against a low profit or loss leader business going forward.
          (don't think Vudu's idea was to make margin on hardware-only; Vudu's use of P2P also reduces bandwidth (distribution) costs making media sales more profitable)


          a very funny chart that gets Vudu info wrong -
          (content resolution, pricing, free content, # of HD movies ("some"), lol)

          P.S. They also have plenty to say about Amazon, Microsoft, Blu-Ray lol


            Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

            Originally posted by Rusdude View Post
            If you thought EngHD was biased towards Applie, here's an article from AppleInsider that compares HD quality of aTV, Vudu, UnBox, and 360.


            It offers such gems as:

            (Vudu HD only comes in 1080p, SD is 480p)


            (don't think Vudu's idea was to make margin on hardware-only; Vudu's use of P2P also reduces bandwidth (distribution) costs making media sales more profitable)


            a very funny chart that gets Vudu info wrong -
            (content resolution, pricing, free content, # of HD movies ("some"), lol)

            P.S. They also have plenty to say about Amazon, Microsoft, Blu-Ray lol
            WHOA..... That was a painful article to read it was so full of misinformation. The chart is hilarious.


              Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

              Originally posted by Rusdude View Post
              I finally met someone else with a Zune outside of Zune sites/boards!
              Have you guys even looked at my signature? I have my zune card in it...welcome to the social....


                Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                Originally posted by RonV View Post
                Have you guys even looked at my signature? I have my zune card in it...welcome to the social....
                Oh, yeah, my bad. I was trying to be smart!


                  Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                  Originally posted by Rusdude View Post
                  a very funny chart that gets Vudu info wrong -
                  (content resolution, pricing, free content, # of HD movies ("some"), lol)

                  And what the heck is "HD Format Death"?!? MEDIA format is what the current format wars are about, the HD format is still...HD. 720p, 1080i, 1080p (although frames per second in the latter may vary, apparently).


                    Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                    I just wish I had the time to post back to these wanna be journalists out there. The web is so full of misinformation it's not even funny. Vudu needs to set up some attack dog volunteers to go after this sort of thing. We need a Chico Crew!


                      Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                      Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                      I just wish I had the time to post back to these wanna be journalists out there. The web is so full of misinformation it's not even funny. Vudu needs to set up some attack dog volunteers to go after this sort of thing. We need a Chico Crew!
                      Well, that's why Vudu has Evangelists. I try to do my best to respond to wrong statements or misinformation, but with Apple Insider it's pretty pointless. But you can find me on Gizmodo, Engadget, AVS, and smaller blogs like TiVoLovers and Zats Not Funny.

                      P.S. If Vudu wants to make us Chico Crew t-shirts, I am game!


                        Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                        Originally posted by MaxH View Post
                        And what the heck is "HD Format Death"?!? MEDIA format is what the current format wars are about, the HD format is still...HD. 720p, 1080i, 1080p (although frames per second in the latter may vary, apparently).
                        I thought about this some more. I think "HD" hear is "Hard Drive." I think what they are saying is that the Vudu is running scared because the hard drive format might go bad and you loose your movies. With AppleTV, you can sync all your purchased movies back to your computer and so have a back up.


                          Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                          Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                          I thought about this some more. I think "HD" hear is "Hard Drive." I think what they are saying is that the Vudu is running scared because the hard drive format might go bad and you loose your movies. With AppleTV, you can sync all your purchased movies back to your computer and so have a back up.
                          So they just left off the second "D"? I guess it's possible, but I find it hard to even pretend I care. I've had HDDs running 24/7 in my Replays for 4-5 years, and IIRC, the VUDU HDDs are much better quality than those.


                            Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                            They mean "The likelihood that this High Def format will die"..hence HD-DVD being labeled "Already Dead".

                            VUDU as a "format" running scared? Maybe they believe this because of the drop in price of the vudu unit just before the apple announcement. I don't see it myself. IMHO, VUDU has shown itself to be the current winner of VOD - technologically speaking. Of course we all know that just because something is "better" doesn't mean it will become popular....


                              Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                              Originally posted by Rusdude View Post
                              Well, EngadgetHD certainly seems to think that AppleTV HD quality is sufficient and offers best HD VOD quality out there --
                              (also, in the comments Engadget's Ben says that ATV HD > Vudu HD)

                              When you read the article about ATV, remember that just yesterday same source (EngHD) wasn't very happy with Vudu's HD video quality --

                              Now, from looking at comments here it's fair to say that ATV HD quality = Vudu HD, so I think it's hilarious that Engadget praises ATV for about the same video quality as Vudu.
                              The reviews were written by different authors.


                                Re: AppleTV HD vs. Vudu - First Impressions

                                Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                                Engadget is nothing more than a bunch of wanna-be journalist weenie hacks who have started a web page and think they are experts.

                                If we wanted to be journalist we would.

                                Engadget is nothing but a bunch of tech enthusiast who choose to present their impressions in the format of a blog. It isn't that much different from a forum, just more formal.

                                It is meant to be our opinion, no one ever said we were experts. We want your opinion as well, which is why we leave every post open for comments, and unlike a forum, no reg is required.

