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Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

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    Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

    Listen, I want this to succeed also. I think it is great technology. I just want it to get better. But I want the poll to be accurate from new users that have just purchased it based on what they thought they were getting from the vudu website. Based on the people that have been commenting on the box on this forum I count only about 6 members who have actually purchased this box that are not either vudu employees or beta testes. I could be wrong. Maybe there are alot of lurkers on here that don't want to post but are willing to take a poll.

    Visit the 5 Star Cinema


      Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

      Didn't vote but am pretty I'm curious too, this is what i found.

      Seventeen members voted. One vote came from Hagen the Vuduitte (sorry) I guess he just felt compelled ;o) and he voted a 3.

      We're working on an efficient method of posting updates to you regarding new titles but I can say in the last week the following titles were 'released':
      • Year of the Dog (rent or own)
      • Away from Her (rent or own)
      • Blades of Glory (rent) - and it's better than you probably think
      • Kickin' it Old Skool (rent or own) - more Stomp the Yard stuff...
      • Halloween Night (rent)
      • Homi Spumoni (rent or own)
      • 28 Weeks Later (own)
      • Evan Almighty (own)
      • Wrong Turn 2 (own)
      There are several titles like Gracie, The Condemned, and Georgia Rule that will be available for rent later this week (they are currently only available for purchase).


        Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

        Thanks Gil,

        Now if you could put a link on your website and provide this kind of info on a weekly basis -- that would be a good start.


          Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

          Working on it (in addition to getting more movies through the pipeline). ;o)


            Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

            Lurkers are normal in forums. Over in the DBS forum there are 1,000's of registered folks but only a few post. I am assume here the same is hapening. Expect that we don't have 1,000's yet...

            Originally posted by kmulder View Post
            Listen, I want this to succeed also. I think it is great technology. I just want it to get better. But I want the poll to be accurate from new users that have just purchased it based on what they thought they were getting from the vudu website. Based on the people that have been commenting on the box on this forum I count only about 6 members who have actually purchased this box that are not either vudu employees or beta testes. I could be wrong. Maybe there are alot of lurkers on here that don't want to post but are willing to take a poll.

            Visit the 5 Star Cinema


              Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

              Originally posted by g-unit View Post
              There are several titles like Gracie, The Condemned, and Georgia Rule that will be available for rent later this week (they are currently only available for purchase).
              Thanks Gil,
              That's what we want to hear.

              Visit the 5 Star Cinema
              Last edited by Nded; 10-16-2007, 05:45 PM.


                Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                Originally posted by RonV View Post
                Lurkers are normal in forums. Over in the DBS forum there are 1,000's of registered folks but only a few post. I am assume here the same is hapening. Expect that we don't have 1,000's yet...
                We have about 41 active members here. The total membership number is much bigger as the list is also comprised of beta folks...


                  Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                  Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                  We have about 41 active members here. The total membership number is much bigger as the list is also comprised of beta folks...

                  28 have voted, so if the missing 13 vote one star, then we're up 16 -- damn , still not enough to win the majority ...


                    Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                    Originally posted by mbustin View Post
                    28 have voted, so if the missing 13 vote one star, then we're up 16 -- damn , still not enough to win the majority ...
                    Let's face it - you're in the minority. To quote the great Richard Dawson...

                    "Survey Says..." - The majority of users are satisfied with the movie database and feel it will only get better.

                    Seriously, mbustin, please tell us what movies should be in the database that at present are not.


                      Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                      When you post your listing of movies that are "missing", be sure to include both old and new releases. We need users to post a wishlist of movies to help the Vudu representatives negotiate with the content providers.


                        Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                        Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                        Seriously, mbustin, please tell us what movies should be in the database that at present are not.

                        Go into blockbuster, walk around and look at the current selections, 90% of these movies are not available in Vudu. I would like to see relatively current movies, decent, mainstream, movies ... they're missing ... then look through the isles at the older movies, most of them are missing ...

                        somebody ... help me out here ...

                        Most movies in the current selection are so obscure they're probably not to be found in Blockbuster, maybe in Video Vault which is a collector's dream .. and the thing is, both are within walking distance from my house


                        Do you really want me to list movies? There are so many


                          Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                          Not what I asked for. I find most of the movies I can view in OnDemand on cable, on the premium channels or on Blockbuster are available on Vudu. Most of what is in Blockbuster is rather obscure as well once you go beyond the new release walls. And even a lot of the stuff on the new release walls in Blockbuster is obscure direct to video content as well.

                          It's fine to throw stones, but enough is enough. You keep saying the database isn't good enough. OK, again, what would be your list of movies to add? Prove your point.


                            Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                            Originally posted by mbustin View Post

                            somebody ... help me out here ...
                            Why? You are the one throwing stones. Most people in the survey find the movie selection better than "fair to midland..."

                            Most movies in the current selection are so obscure they're probably not to be found in Blockbuster,
                            Exactly. That's the idea.

                            Do you really want me to list movies? There are so many
                            Uh, yeah. That's what we said. If you aren't happy with the current listings, please provide a full wishlist. You can't get it if you don't ask for it.


                              Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                              Originally posted by NA9D View Post

                              Most movies in the current selection are so obscure they're probably not to be found in Blockbuster,
                              Exactly. That's the idea.
                              You are plain wrong .... Vudu is not marketing itself as a fringe movie viewer's dream ... it's marketing itself as video store in a box ... ie mainstream ....


                                Re: Vudu Movie Collection Rated - first poll

                                Originally posted by mbustin View Post
                                You are plain wrong .... Vudu is not marketing itself as a fringe movie viewer's dream ... it's marketing itself as video store in a box ... ie mainstream ....
                                Again, tell me what mainstream movie is not available or what you think should be. There's going to be obscure content in any video store/rental place. It's virtually impossible to have 5000 to 10,000 mainstream movies.

                                We have asked for a list from you of movies that you feel need to be included. I guess that movies such as:

                                Black Snake Moan
                                The Hills Have Eyes
                                Blades of Glory
                                We are Marshall
                                Bridge to Terabitha
                                X-Men 3
                                Nativity Story

                                aren't mainstream then...

                                Please, I have listed several times now movies off the top of my head that are main stream that are newer releases and in the database. I know you can't purchase all of them, but you are so insistent that Vudu's movie database is not up to snuff yet you provide no list of movies to back that up.

