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is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

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  • cinema13
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    Originally posted by 00pontiac View Post
    now I feel stupid, I owe a big honorable mention to District 9.
    And that one even made some money! Not a ton, but much more than they expected. And, despite a lackluster 2010 movie slate, one original film unexpectedly attained blockbuster status (INCEPTION) Sure, there were flaws and it was derivative (DARK CITY), but the fact that it was made, released, and did well...without being a sequel or a 70s TV show remake or a cartoon... is cause for hope. (But the movie-going audience still keeps me pessimistic.)

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  • 00pontiac
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    now I feel stupid, I owe a big honorable mention to District 9.

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  • cinema13
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    [QUOTE=canadien37;107281]The only things that I have an opinion on is Star Wars and Lord of the Rings in 3D....IMO that is a travesty.....and a cash grab, after watching all movies of both series in their normal format on the big screen, and the HDX versions of LOTR on VUDU, I will not pay to see 3D versions of these great franchises, I am a purist when it comes to the art form called movies.....

    I hope that upping the frame rate of future films do not give them that soap opera look....That would turn me off big time...


    It should be closer to theme park visuals than soaps (we hope!) I'm with you on the 3D for LOTR. I just got rid of my Extended Editions to make room for the BD versions.! and while I agree that these are cash grabs, I think Jackson and WETA will make every effort to make it good. Lucas, hopefully the same, but I wonder if I can tolerate PHANTOM MENANCE again at all!
    Curiosity will probably get the better of me. But maybe, if the Mayans are right, I won't have to worry!

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  • 00pontiac
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    wow, this is great, for all my *****ing this turned into a pretty good thread. everyone has some good comments, and some really great points.

    I too would consider myself a purist in that I just can't be bothered with the whole new 3d thing.... was a fad in the past, it's had its life and died. talk about hollywood beating a dead horse. meh is right.

    very interesting about the new frame rates! I really look forward to seeing that firsthand, as well as the Hobbit. anticipating that one very much.

    yes, the comic book and super hero thing and sequels ad infinitum... I can understand them from a financial point of view, and I suppose we all are taken back to an earlier age when one of our favorite super heroes get their day in the sun. I used to love the Fantastic Four... and the Green Lantern... but now that I'm an adult... well... anyhow.

    there are some movies mentioned here I'll have to take as recommendations... I keep hearing good things about dragon tattoo...

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  • canadien37
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    Originally posted by cinema13 View Post
    Well, the box-office results are in and, as is probably obvious, RIO made $40 million! (maybe more.) While the SCREAM film made a meager $19 mil. (Awwwww, no SCREAM 5?)

    Some great observations here. Waaaay too many sequels, but I can understand that. When movies cost $150 - $200 million (or more!) to make, the investment needs to be optimized. And sequels have been around since the early days (cf FRANKENSTEIN, THIN MAN, etc.). But remaking 70s TV shows seems silly...since most of them were terrible as TV shows! Movies from video games never work either...because they are based on a format that doesn't really have any plot or characterizations. The comic book movies though, I love. For one thing, comics books (excuse me...graphic novels) are basically movie storyboards. They also have a decades-long rich history to draw from. In years past, movies were often based on books (WIZARD OF OZ, GRAPES OF WRATH, etc.). So movies based on comics is a natural as (for those who have read them in the past few decades know), they are often as good as the best literature (WATCHMEN was listed as one of the Top 100 best works of 20th Century literature by TIME). If you took the world's greatest writer and the world's greatest artist in a room to collaborate together, the result would be a comic book. It is only now that technology has alloowed the cinematic translation of comics to have any versimiltude. so I welcome that. (What kid could have ever imagined seeing a plausible GREEN LANTERN movie. We could only dream of having a power ring...but now we'll see it.)

    As for 3D, I've only seen two (AVATAR and DRIVE HARDER) and both used the format quite differently and well. But those two were shot in 3D. Other movies (like CLASH OF THE TITANS) were hastily converted and apparantly the results were awful. Fortunately, GREEN LANTERN is one that WAS shot in hopefully that will have amazing results.

    However, 3D may soon no longer be needed, as there are two developments that could change how we see movies. First, THE HOBBIT will be shooting at 48fps! For 90 years, movies were shown at 24fps, so Peter Jackson is uping the ante. The resolution and detail should be something to see, unlike anything seen in movies before. Also, renowned effects pioneer (and director) Douglas Trumball is returning to films. He created SHOWSCAN but studios didn't bite at the time. But his new film may shoot at 60fps! In other words, films may look as realistic as the films used in the best theme park rides. These two films have the potential to make 3D look like 2D.

    Of course, there's always the threat that this could result in less drama and more razzle-dazzle. But at least THE HOBBIT is based on a classic novel. Oh yes...both LORD OF THE RINGS and STAR WARS will soon be coming to theaters in 3D. And I have to admit it, while I may bemoan most of the 3D releases...I won't be able to resist seeing RINGS, at least, in 3D. My childhood experiences of seeing JASON & THE ARGONAUTS and 2001 (in Cinerama) have made me always ready to be "wowed!"

    That said, I will always look for more challenging, substantitive films, from TRIANGLE to ENTER THE VOID to IN BRUGES to MESRINE to the (two-part) RED CLIFF. Sadly, I probably won't be seeing them in theaters.
    Man, when I read this I thought I took a trip to the AVS stuff....

    The only things that I have an opinion on is Star Wars and Lord of the Rings in 3D....IMO that is a travesty.....and a cash grab, after watching all movies of both series in their normal format on the big screen, and the HDX versions of LOTR on VUDU, I will not pay to see 3D versions of these great franchises, I am a purist when it comes to the art form called movies.....

    I hope that upping the frame rate of future films do not give them that soap opera look....That would turn me off big time...

    All in all, Cinema 13, good stuff.....

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  • cinema13
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    Well, the box-office results are in and, as is probably obvious, RIO made $40 million! (maybe more.) While the SCREAM film made a meager $19 mil. (Awwwww, no SCREAM 5?)

    Some great observations here. Waaaay too many sequels, but I can understand that. When movies cost $150 - $200 million (or more!) to make, the investment needs to be optimized. And sequels have been around since the early days (cf FRANKENSTEIN, THIN MAN, etc.). But remaking 70s TV shows seems silly...since most of them were terrible as TV shows! Movies from video games never work either...because they are based on a format that doesn't really have any plot or characterizations. The comic book movies though, I love. For one thing, comics books (excuse me...graphic novels) are basically movie storyboards. They also have a decades-long rich history to draw from. In years past, movies were often based on books (WIZARD OF OZ, GRAPES OF WRATH, etc.). So movies based on comics is a natural as (for those who have read them in the past few decades know), they are often as good as the best literature (WATCHMEN was listed as one of the Top 100 best works of 20th Century literature by TIME). If you took the world's greatest writer and the world's greatest artist in a room to collaborate together, the result would be a comic book. It is only now that technology has alloowed the cinematic translation of comics to have any versimiltude. so I welcome that. (What kid could have ever imagined seeing a plausible GREEN LANTERN movie. We could only dream of having a power ring...but now we'll see it.)

    As for 3D, I've only seen two (AVATAR and DRIVE HARDER) and both used the format quite differently and well. But those two were shot in 3D. Other movies (like CLASH OF THE TITANS) were hastily converted and apparantly the results were awful. Fortunately, GREEN LANTERN is one that WAS shot in hopefully that will have amazing results.

    However, 3D may soon no longer be needed, as there are two developments that could change how we see movies. First, THE HOBBIT will be shooting at 48fps! For 90 years, movies were shown at 24fps, so Peter Jackson is uping the ante. The resolution and detail should be something to see, unlike anything seen in movies before. Also, renowned effects pioneer (and director) Douglas Trumball is returning to films. He created SHOWSCAN but studios didn't bite at the time. But his new film may shoot at 60fps! In other words, films may look as realistic as the films used in the best theme park rides. These two films have the potential to make 3D look like 2D.

    Of course, there's always the threat that this could result in less drama and more razzle-dazzle. But at least THE HOBBIT is based on a classic novel. Oh yes...both LORD OF THE RINGS and STAR WARS will soon be coming to theaters in 3D. And I have to admit it, while I may bemoan most of the 3D releases...I won't be able to resist seeing RINGS, at least, in 3D. My childhood experiences of seeing JASON & THE ARGONAUTS and 2001 (in Cinerama) have made me always ready to be "wowed!"

    That said, I will always look for more challenging, substantitive films, from TRIANGLE to ENTER THE VOID to IN BRUGES to MESRINE to the (two-part) RED CLIFF. Sadly, I probably won't be seeing them in theaters.

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  • canadien37
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    Originally posted by cinema13 View Post
    Oh, there are still good flicks being made...although not many are coming from the big studios. The problem is the audience. Let me ask you...what sort of movie is almost always debuting at Number One? More often than not, it's a kiddie-friendly computer-generated cartoon. RANGO opens...Number One. Then some dreck called HOP opens...Number One. No CGI cartoon the following HOP remains...Number One. In the meantime, films like SOURCE CODE or FAIR GAME disappear. And SUPER barely even gets a theatrical release.

    This week...RIO opens. Wanna bet at what spot? And, in comparison, where do you think Robert Redford's CONSPIRATOR will place? As long as people look at going to the movies as a baby-sitting substitute, then you'll have to look hard for films like DISAPPEARNACE OF ALICE CREED (Recommended). And, while it may have won an Oscar, no one really went to see HURT LOCKER. The U.S. isn't known as the "nanny state" just on the basis of its Draconian laws alone! If people would stay away from TRANSFORMERS 3 and PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN 4, maybe it could make a difference. But people go see these movies, even when they are crappy within their own terms (TRANSFORMERS 2), so I don't hold out much hope.
    I agree, great points here.....My tastes in movies vary from mindless entertainment(A DIRTY SHAME) to romances, dramas, political thrillers, fantasy and some high-tech blow-em up spectaculars( gotta give my system some exercise, LOL) .....I have purchased a lot of foreign films because they are better than the Hollywood-made fluff(North Face comes to mind as a good watch, as well as the Dragon Tattoo series and Red Cliff, I like John Woo as a director)....Most of what is in the Criterion Collection is good also...

    I dunno, I liked the Pirates series, Harry Potter, and the like, even though I have no children....The Lord of the Rings series was primo in my book....By the way I was looking at Disappearance of Alice Creed, didn't know enough about it...I will check it out per your recommendation....The primary animated movies I like are from Disney/Pixar...I am always fascinated about the technical aspects of those films and I think they are the best....

    One fad in the movies nowadays is this stuff they call 3D, I for one have no interest in it...the only movie I thought was great in that format was Avatar...I saw it in IMAX 3D...Recently, my brother went out and got a 3D TV setup, demoed a 3D movie for me and I said "meh".....He went ballistic, saying "are ya nuts? look at that!" I responded "meh"....needless to say he didn't demo any more 3D material for me.... I have a 3D-like experience with 2D on my system if the encode and transfer is top notch.....

    Nanny state, that's only the beginning of it.....People in this country are losing critical thinking ability....When approx. half the population is receiving gov't hand-outs, it's a very sad testament....All the electronic gadgets available today, things like Facebook, Myspace, etc., can dumb a population down IMO...some people have really dumbed down movie-wise since a great film like Titanic was no.1 for months and months and months, garnering 11 Oscars

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  • raaurora
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    That is a good point. My other issue is there there is almost no original thought coming out of Hollywood. Everything is a sequel (new Cars and Pirates of the Caribbean coming soon to a theater near you), a remake of a 70's TV show, a comic book turned movie, or a remake of an old movie movie.

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  • cinema13
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    Oh, there are still good flicks being made...although not many are coming from the big studios. The problem is the audience. Let me ask you...what sort of movie is almost always debuting at Number One? More often than not, it's a kiddie-friendly computer-generated cartoon. RANGO opens...Number One. Then some dreck called HOP opens...Number One. No CGI cartoon the following HOP remains...Number One. In the meantime, films like SOURCE CODE or FAIR GAME disappear. And SUPER barely even gets a theatrical release.

    This week...RIO opens. Wanna bet at what spot? And, in comparison, where do you think Robert Redford's CONSPIRATOR will place? As long as people look at going to the movies as a baby-sitting substitute, then you'll have to look hard for films like DISAPPEARNACE OF ALICE CREED (Recommended). And, while it may have won an Oscar, no one really went to see HURT LOCKER. The U.S. isn't known as the "nanny state" just on the basis of its Draconian laws alone! If people would stay away from TRANSFORMERS 3 and PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN 4, maybe it could make a difference. But people go see these movies, even when they are crappy within their own terms (TRANSFORMERS 2), so I don't hold out much hope.

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  • raaurora
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    I totally agree. Hollywood seems to churning out garbage left and right. The pickings have been slim for quite a while. Once you catch up on all the past movies you had not seen yet, there is very little new stuff coming out. There are only a small handful of leading actors that I actually put in a "must see" category anymore.

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  • aaronwt
    Re: is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    I think there are plenty of good movies out worth renting. Although I think there are less out that are worth seeing in the theater.

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  • is it just me? or are there really no good movies lately?

    I'm not trying to be a smart ***... maybe I'll come across as one anyhow. I love watching movies. I doubt anyone here doesn't... but it seems like ever since I signed up at Vudu there's been nothing worth a crap.... I watched my one free rental (Book of Eli, ooops) and come here nearly every day browsing for more to watch. I have a new Bluray player and a pretty nice home theater... I'm ready.

    I admit, it could just be me. Maybe it's the economy? (ok, bad joke j/k)

    Is it? Just me? Or is anyone else noticing this?

    Guess I want to use my new Vudu account so badly I'm reduced to posting pointless messages in its forum now.....
