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Netflix Box...

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    Re: Netflix Box...

    Originally posted by RonV View Post
    From what I understand is that Netflix is storing many stream bitrates and it attempts to map the correct bitrate to your internet connection. I read in one of the posts is that the stream can change dynamically. Which means your quality goes down as you internet connection saturates and then goes back up as the saturation goes away. Not good for a consistent viewing experience.
    Yeah, that's one of the things I don't like. It also works the same way with a PC player which makes even less sense -- you have all the drive space you want to buffer the video stream, so people should be able to choose the quality level.


      Re: Netflix Box...

      I have a Netflix subscription in addition to my Vudu. I love both services. If you go to and click on the New Releases, the instant download new releases are not the current mailable new releases such as Bucket List, Semi-Pro, Charlie Wilsons War etc. etc. Their top 50 instant downloads - I have no interest in and are not new movies they've been out for more than a year.

      I'm so pleased Vudu had this discussion board - but, I wish they'd offer a streaming (no download) service that we could just pay a monthly fee. They are so close.


        Re: Netflix Box...

        Originally posted by jillk60517 View Post
        I'm so pleased Vudu had this discussion board - but, I wish they'd offer a streaming (no download) service that we could just pay a monthly fee. They are so close.
        Not the design of the Vudu box. The Vudu system works in a giant P2P network. If the boxes were stream only then you'd have to rely on a group of central servers for handling all the content requests. That requires massive overhead and tremendous cost for the service provider. With Vudu the infrastructure is much lower cost as each box is part of the network.


          Re: Netflix Box...

          Perhaps he meant "rental only" as opposed to "streaming only". That makes sense with his comment about paying a monthly fee and the comparison with Netflix.


            Re: Netflix Box...

            Originally posted by redwein View Post
            Perhaps he meant "rental only" as opposed to "streaming only". That makes sense with his comment about paying a monthly fee and the comparison with Netflix.
            I read it as him comparing Netflix "instant viewing" with VUDU's Instant Viewing when he says they are so close. I'm guessing he is really looking for subscription content and if you said VUDU could stream them many people wouldn't know the difference (nor probably care).


              Re: Netflix Box...

              From a consumer perspective, subscription streaming is definitely the most attractive option. The problem is that in licensing terms, subscription viewing falls pretty squarely under a current grant of TV licensing rights.

              The reason that Netflix doesn't have Semi-Pro, The Bucket list, or other top box-office movies is that studios' SVOD (Subscription Video-on-Demand) rights are usually either taken in TV licenses, or heldback as a part of the license agreement. Since most studios (and literally all major studios) have output agreements with many TV companies, those rights are almost always unavailable for SVOD for the first 6 months, 12 months, or even later after the DVD release. This is the same reason for many films being unavailable for VOD at times... that is, the rights themselves cannot be granted to Vudu because they are either being exploited by another TV contract, or being heldback as a contractual obligation during an exclusive license term.

              Home Video / DVD rights are not traditionally susceptible to TV license agreements - either as grants or holdbacks - so a subscription service like Netflix or Blockbuster's Total Access are not affected by those agreements. Increasingly, EST (Electronic Sell-Thru... e.g. purchasing a film on Vudu) rights are being treated as an extension of Home Video, which is why most most films are available for purchase day-and-date with DVD, while VOD is not.

              Believe me, there are plenty of legal battles being fought over this. Studios would love to be able to get their content out to as wide a base as possible, but until digital distribution becomes a more accessible and ubiquitous medium, they won't have the necessary leverage to make widespread changes in traditional licensing models.

              Little by little, though, they'll get there. Just a matter of time.


                Re: Netflix Box...

                Roku just announced Amazon support for their Nexflix box and will offer over 40,000 titles.



                  Re: Netflix Box...

                  from engadgethd:

                  Roku owners looking to go discless are one step closer, now that Amazon Video On Demand will be available on the box after a free software update in early 2009. Fulfilling the promise of more "big name" providers to come, flicks like The Dark Knight, Pineapple Express or any of Amazon's 40,000 other titles can be purchased and played back to the TV for a 24 hour window. The bad news? Max bitrate is an h.264 compressed 1200Kbps. Not bad if SD only is your bag, but we're even more eagerly awaiting another Amazon VOD HD rumor.


                    Re: Netflix Box...

                    Good for them. I already have Amazon VOD available on my Tivo (and now Netflix but why should I pay for a Netflix account when I have Vudu). The interface on that box is going to be tough to use for Amazon given the limitations already there with Netflix.

                    Should be interesting. Mr. Anthony Wood has always done a nice job with products.


                      Re: Netflix Box...

                      I'd have to agree with NA9D on this one. I'm intrigued by offering such as these but I've never felt moved enough to do anything simply b/c my Vudu covers all my needs for on demand movie rentals.

                      I've got a TivoHD and an Xbox 360 and I almost felt guilty for not caring about the Netflix offerings on both of those devices (and the Amazon on my Tivo) b/c I feel that as a self professed geek it's my duty to get all excited about stuff like this but Vudu has that one so well covered that it's not worth my time to even investigate this stuff.

                      There's my hallmark card for you Vudu...


                        Re: Netflix Box...

                        just loaded up my netflix queue -

                        resident evil extinction, Next and spider-man3 just were in my queue for by-mail rental, and now they have instant watch buttons next to them. Three titles only for purchase on vudu. that's sort of frustrating. if they were at least rentable it'd be an easy choice to vudu the higher quality film, but free vs $15-20 is also an easy decision.

                        I understand titles come in and out of the library due to contracts/license restrictions, but should we expect any consistency between on-demand libraries of vudu/amazon/netflix etc?



                          Re: Netflix Box...

                          Originally posted by bald_ View Post
                          ...snip....I understand titles come in and out of the library due to contracts/license restrictions, but should we expect any consistency between on-demand libraries of vudu/amazon/netflix etc?

                          I'd say you should set your expectation for consistancy between on-demand libraries really low - that way you might have a remote chance of exceeding your expections. You can expect the Vudu to always have the best quality - it's up to you to decide when it's worth the greenbacks.


                            Re: Netflix Box...

                            One of the reasons you may see those three titles as purchase-only on VUDU is because Netflix partnered up with Starz and added their catalog to the box. Which means the movies that are being blacked-out on VUDU due to studios' contract with Starz should be on Netflix (in theory).


                              Re: Netflix Box...

                              Lets talk some sense:

                              1. Roku Netflix box $100
                              2. Roku M1001 iTunes media player $200
                              3. Blu-Ray player $200-500

                              Versus BestBuy's Samsung BD-P2550 $340 with:

                              1. BD Profile 2.0
                              2. Netflix
                              3. Pandora free online music. Really intuitive custom radio
                              stations based on your artist/genre prefs, at the click
                              of your remote.

                              I keep both Netflix and Vudu because Netlfix will allow me to see all the
                              oddball import titles for free, while PQ is marginal.

                              For true video bliss i go for the Vudu box in HDX and on my 100" 1080p
                              system i see no difference from BD. Without HDX i would have never gone
                              for Vudu, period.

                              As for AppleTV's expensive 720p historical piece i say good
                              riddance. Expensive, PPV and crummy video, why would i do that if i can get Netflix?

                              If i want the above and uncompressed 7.1 sound from DTS-HD MA on my
                              balanced separates system i have to rent BDs, Netflix takes care of that
                              too, one unlimited at a time plus 15k online movies for $10/mo.

                              My second hand HDDVD collection is also groing, the Tosh A35 player really does
                              them justice.


                                Re: Netflix Box...

                                Why did you bring in the Roku M1001 Soundbridge? It's kinda funny how it's more expensive than the video players on the market and only does audio. Still it's a nice box. I wish Roku had not stopped production on the M2000 series - it's a great box. I managed to get one from the first round of Tweeter closings a couple years ago for something like $125!

                                I've yet to drop the coin on a BD player mainly because I don't know what I'd use it for. Vudu gives me about everything I need in terms of watching movies. I don't buy many movies and all I own right now are normal DVDs. Most of what we do own in DVDs are kids shows/movies which certainly don't need BR...

                                Maybe when LOTR comes out in BR then, I'll have an excuse...

