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Vudu vs Netflix

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    Re: Vudu vs Netflix

    Originally posted by Nded View Post
    Now now EF, you gotta give MaxH a break on this one - he's from the Washington DC area, so anything that might cause that town to shut down can only help the rest of the country and your local economy ....

    I heartfully understand.

    I do purchase stuff online quit often but given the choice between supporting a massive company like Netflix (with an inferior product) or a crazy-talented upstart like Vudu with vastly superior offerings I choose to root for the local boy.

    I refuse to shop at wal-mart and if I can't buy something at Publix, BestBuy or Walgreens then I don't need it in my life.


      Re: Vudu vs Netflix

      Originally posted by Electric Frenzy View Post
      Unlike yourself I don't share this mindset. I'm a small business owner and I know how important walk-in purchases are to my business. I try to support businesses in my community. I may pay a few dollars more but I'd rather pay a little now than have my town shut down or be forced to buy everything online because cheap skates wanted to save $2 on a $35 item.

      my local economy means more to me than apparently, yours does to you.
      Yes, you read me like a book. I love big corporations and hate the little guy. That's me to a "T". Happy holidays to you, too.


        Re: Vudu vs Netflix

        Originally posted by MaxH View Post
        Yes, you read me like a book. I love big corporations and hate the little guy. That's me to a "T". Happy holidays to you, too.



          Re: Vudu vs Netflix

          Originally posted by MaxH View Post
          Yes, you read me like a book. I love big corporations and hate the little guy. That's me to a "T". Happy holidays to you, too.

          I think I was less harsh on you as you were to me. Basically calling me a chump for buying local vs my saying I support my local economy more.

          Bah humbug.

          The interner is serious business!


            Re: Vudu vs Netflix

            Originally posted by Electric Frenzy View Post
            I think I was less harsh on you as you were to me. Basically calling me a chump for buying local vs my saying I support my local economy more.

            Bah humbug.

            The interner is serious business!
            Now, now boys. Let's have some Christmas cheer here.

            Max was being totally sarcastic and I think you misunderstood Max. I think Max was specifically talking about going out and buying DVDs or other things like that - not specifically everything.

            So let's just step back and give each other another eggnog and some yummy cheese and be happy!


              Re: Vudu vs Netflix

              Originally posted by Electric Frenzy View Post
              I think I was less harsh on you as you were to me. Basically calling me a chump for buying local vs my saying I support my local economy more.
              No, if you're a chump, it's because either you can't read, or you're a huge egomaniac:

              Originally posted by MaxH View Post
              Go OUT and buy it?!? That's a figure of speech, right? I don't remember the last time I made an electronics/media purchase offline. Between DVDPriceSearch/DeepDiscountDVD and NewEgg, I don't even worry about retail loss leaders any more.
              Let's see, I count three instances of "I", and none of "you", and no reference that contains any kind of value judgment. I don't really care what you do (except when you start busting on me because I don't support my area SuperMegaChain stores).

              Since you didn't seem to get the sarcasm and your value judgment of me might have been mistaken for fact by others: I almost always go out of my way to support small, independent, locally owned businesses around here, but I don't happen to know of any electronics stores that fit that category within a reasonable drive. I avoid big box stores whenever possible, and buy as much of my food as I can from the Farmer's Market when it's open. (I was a member of a CSA, but too much food was going to waste.)

              But I'll say outright, no, I don't think you're actually a chump, I think you're just defensive because you thought I fit a certain type of jerk you've encountered before, and from what you've said I can't blame you for being upset with them. But I will ask you to think before you post: would I really say that to that person's face, and would I talk like that in front of my family? I have failed those tests before, but I usually regret it later, so I try my best.


                Re: Vudu vs Netflix

                So, back to the OP question and answers (kinda)

                Does Vudu have as many free to watch movies as Netflix & Same thing for renting?

