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Continue Shopping Button Before Purchasing

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    Continue Shopping Button Before Purchasing

    I love Vudu, but the one thing I would like to see, more than anything, is being able to have a Continue Shopping button before you make purchases. I will explain this in more detail.

    Any site you go to (at least 98% of them) allow you to add items to a cart, and then click a button or link that says "Continue Shopping" and you are able to add more items to your cart and purchase them all at once. I bought three movies this morning:

    Flowers in the Attic (my wife wanted that one)
    Night of the Demons (1989)
    Day of the Dead (1985)

    I had to purchase each one individually, and then pay full tax on each separate purchase. After buying them, I could click the Continue Browsing button, but you can only purchase movies ONE at a time, where some people (myself included) buy multiple movies in one sitting (see above). Having the ability to have a cart to place movies to purchase makes it easier to add movies to buy in a what I call a "bulk shop," and then purchase them all at once at one cost.

    If I would change one thing on the site, that would be it. I welcome any other comments.

    **FYI--Bundles don't count on this one. That's a given. This is for individual films.

    I like this I tend to make several purchases at once as well and a continue shopping button would be a nice addition during this time when people are stuck at home.


      WOW!! I forgot I made this post. Thanks for the support on this topic.


        Now that we have lists, I think this is the number one thing that I would like to see from Vudu!

