I have been a loyal Vudu user for a couple years and I absolutely love it! I have converted my entire library and now have 500+ titles. With that said, I do have a couple of suggestions that I believe could be amazing improvements for the Vudu customer and potentially increase success for Vudu!
1. After a movie is rented, within the allotted rental period, there should be an option to purchase the movie at the purchase rate LESS the rental fee already paid. Usually I know what movies I will want to own before I have to make that difficult decision to rent or buy, but there is often enough hesitation because I am just not certain. In those cases, I simply decide to rent instead only to find that in some instances and to my surprise, I REALLY liked the title but springing another $20-30 is just not an easy pill to swallow after having already paid $7. If VUDU was able to offer this option for their customers, I believe you would see an increase in purchases overall. It would be a "like it, buy it" but only within the rental period and then the purchase fee would be full price again. If this is not feasible as an option, perhaps an alternative to this would be to allow a user to "Return" a purchased title, if within the typical rental timeframe (24 hrs from playing the title) they opted to return the title and they would then only be charged the rental fee. This would be basically a "No risk purchase" for loyal Vudu customers.....
2. Perhaps this is specific to the Vudu enabled device I use and therefore not relevant to others but without having used another device, I would like to make 2 suggestions in regards to My Vudu library.
A. When I purchase a "bundled" item, for example Pain and Gain with Italian Job, I would like the two titles to separate once they are in my library. This allows me to locate either title more easily without having to recall that Italian Job is actually located in the "P" section with Pain and Gain. It's understandable if the titles need to remain marked that they were purchased as a bundled product but perhaps this could be noted once you select the movie and rare viewing the description, etc.
B. Another suggestion in regards to the My Vudu library would be to have an option for sorting such as User or Custom. I have several titles which are sequels, trilogies, etc but due to variances in the title formats, sorting them alphabetically doesn't put them in a true order. Perhaps if a user was able to start with a current sorting option, such as alphabetical, and then move titles around and finalize in a Custom/User list. Again, this may be more specific to the Vudu enabled device rather than Vudu application itself....
I sincerely hope that you consider my first suggestion as I personally have had several instances where I would have gladly sprung for another $18 or so additional dollars to own a title I enjoyed if given the opportunity but purchasing a movie for the full purchase price after having already spent $7 to rent felt like to large of a financial investment just for only a digital copy.
1. After a movie is rented, within the allotted rental period, there should be an option to purchase the movie at the purchase rate LESS the rental fee already paid. Usually I know what movies I will want to own before I have to make that difficult decision to rent or buy, but there is often enough hesitation because I am just not certain. In those cases, I simply decide to rent instead only to find that in some instances and to my surprise, I REALLY liked the title but springing another $20-30 is just not an easy pill to swallow after having already paid $7. If VUDU was able to offer this option for their customers, I believe you would see an increase in purchases overall. It would be a "like it, buy it" but only within the rental period and then the purchase fee would be full price again. If this is not feasible as an option, perhaps an alternative to this would be to allow a user to "Return" a purchased title, if within the typical rental timeframe (24 hrs from playing the title) they opted to return the title and they would then only be charged the rental fee. This would be basically a "No risk purchase" for loyal Vudu customers.....
2. Perhaps this is specific to the Vudu enabled device I use and therefore not relevant to others but without having used another device, I would like to make 2 suggestions in regards to My Vudu library.
A. When I purchase a "bundled" item, for example Pain and Gain with Italian Job, I would like the two titles to separate once they are in my library. This allows me to locate either title more easily without having to recall that Italian Job is actually located in the "P" section with Pain and Gain. It's understandable if the titles need to remain marked that they were purchased as a bundled product but perhaps this could be noted once you select the movie and rare viewing the description, etc.
B. Another suggestion in regards to the My Vudu library would be to have an option for sorting such as User or Custom. I have several titles which are sequels, trilogies, etc but due to variances in the title formats, sorting them alphabetically doesn't put them in a true order. Perhaps if a user was able to start with a current sorting option, such as alphabetical, and then move titles around and finalize in a Custom/User list. Again, this may be more specific to the Vudu enabled device rather than Vudu application itself....
I sincerely hope that you consider my first suggestion as I personally have had several instances where I would have gladly sprung for another $18 or so additional dollars to own a title I enjoyed if given the opportunity but purchasing a movie for the full purchase price after having already spent $7 to rent felt like to large of a financial investment just for only a digital copy.