The new VUDU web interface is growing on me. There are many things that were lost in the transition, however, so here is my list of suggestions for things to add back to the new interface. I'm sure others will have their opinions as well.

1) Add a count at the top. If I go to My Movies it shows a count at the top. However, if I go to the list Pre-Orders under the Movies menu there is no count. The same goes for the list of 4K UHD movies. The old interface has these counts and the new interface is not consistent where the counts appear. Let's add counts to the top of all movie listings to keep everything consistent.

2) When you hover over a movie, the information overlay could include more info like UV and MA indicators. In the case of pre-orders it should include the expected release date (if there is one). There is so much blank space on the overlay right now that it would see the perfect place to put some addition information.

3) 3D movie list. I know that you can "View All Movies" under the Movies menu and set a filter for 3D and this is great. However, the option to go directly to the 3D movie list just like you can do for the 4K UHD would also be nice. This used to be an option under Collections in the old interface.

4) Would also be nice if these direct links to the 4K UHD and 3D on the Movies menu would take you the the same interface as "View All Movies" with the appropriate filter pre-set. This way we can take advantage of the Top Picks, Most Watched, and Release Date sort buttons at the top as well.

That's it for now. I have to say that I really like how easy it is to add/remove a movie from the "wishlist" my simply clicking the heart icon on the mouse hover overlay. So much cleaner and easier than before!!