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Breaking Bad Censored

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    Breaking Bad Censored

    I redeemed the Breaking Bad ultraviolet recently. The version I redeemed is censored. Is there a version that is not censored? If not, can a request to the studio be made for a change?

    Thank you!

    Re: Breaking Bad Censored

    Originally posted by dunnvudu View Post
    I redeemed the Breaking Bad ultraviolet recently. The version I redeemed is censored. Is there a version that is not censored? If not, can a request to the studio be made for a change?

    Thank you!
    I'll bite - how is it censored?


      Re: Breaking Bad Censored

      One example would be a scene in the Pilot episode. Netflix, iTunes and the blu-ray set are uncensored.


        Re: Breaking Bad Censored

        Originally posted by dunnvudu View Post
        One example would be a scene in the Pilot episode. Netflix, iTunes and the blu-ray set are uncensored.
        Could you be more specific (time range, etc)? That can help VUDU content team figure out how it's different/what version was received from AMC.


          Re: Breaking Bad Censored

          Originally posted by Jake View Post
          Could you be more specific (time range, etc)? That can help VUDU content team figure out how it's different/what version was received from AMC.
          Hello Jake,

          I sent you a private message with the time.



            Re: Breaking Bad Censored

            You know, I just bought the Breaking Bad complete series on Blu-ray. It comes with the Vudu codes, and my episodes, too, are censored.

            I just began re-watching the series again from the start a few nights ago (on Netflix, as I hadn't opened the Blu-ray set yet). It is clearly uncensored. There is a scene in the pilot where Jesse Pinkman is crawling out of the window of a second story bedroom while the DEA are doing a raid on the meth lab next door. The woman throwing Jesse's clothes out of the window is topless. When I watch the same scene on my Vudu, there is a clear blurring over her chest. The Blu-ray does not have this blurring out. It's not like my life is going to end if I don't see a woman topless for a second and a half, but if one thing is censored, then invariably, there will be other elements within the show that are censored. And that's unacceptable to me. Nowhere on the disc packaging, or in the description of the series on Amazon, does it say "digital copies have censored content."

            I need to get this resolved, please.


              Re: Breaking Bad Censored

              The woman was not shown topless when it aired on AMC. The pilot episode was shopped around to networks like HBO that would allow nudity. Looks like Netflix and the blu-rays got that version of the pilot.


                Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                Originally posted by Texan26 View Post
                The woman was not shown topless when it aired on AMC. The pilot episode was shopped around to networks like HBO that would allow nudity. Looks like Netflix and the blu-rays got that version of the pilot.
                No one is saying it wasn't censored when it aired on AMC. The iTunes, Netflix, and the Blu-ray are uncensored and the version Vudu has is. The pilot episode is just one example. There are other examples throughout the series that are censored on Vudu as well.


                  Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                  Originally posted by Jake View Post
                  Could you be more specific (time range, etc)? That can help VUDU content team figure out how it's different/what version was received from AMC.

                  Are there any updates on this? I sent you the time for when the censored scene occurs. Also, another forum member described the scene. There are others throughout the series as well.

                  Thank you!


                    Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                    Does it really matter THAT MUCH that you don't get to see her breasts and hear a couple of swear words in the pilot episode? The rest of the series is fine as it.


                      Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                      Originally posted by Kappa123 View Post
                      Does it really matter THAT MUCH that you don't get to see her breasts and hear a couple of swear words in the pilot episode? The rest of the series is fine as it.
                      Frankly, it's not about the breasts, it's about other censored parts as indicated above, and as to why Vudu is providing different versions. I'd like answers also!


                        Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                        Originally posted by mjmbond View Post
                        Frankly, it's not about the breasts, it's about other censored parts as indicated above, and as to why Vudu is providing different versions. I'd like answers also!
                        I think Texan26 has the best answer as to why the pilot episode is censored. Hopefully someone from Vudu will put this thread to rest since this seems to be a burning issue in some people's view. In the end, it's just a TV show folks, I'd rather see them concentrate their efforts in fixing titles with erroneous encodes and aspect ratios.


                          Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                          Originally posted by Kappa123 View Post
                          I think Texan26 has the best answer as to why the pilot episode is censored. Hopefully someone from Vudu will put this thread to rest since this seems to be a burning issue in some people's view. In the end, it's just a TV show folks, I'd rather see them concentrate their efforts in fixing titles with erroneous encodes and aspect ratios.
                          If it was only the pilot episode that was censored, Texan26 statement would make sense. However, censorship occurs throughout the show. If you had the Blu-ray or owned it on iTunes or watched it on Netflix, you would know the other scenes.

                          BTW, the discussion in this thread isn't about what Kappa123 would like to see Vudu concentrate their efforts on.


                            Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                            Originally posted by Kappa123 View Post
                            I think Texan26 has the best answer as to why the pilot episode is censored. Hopefully someone from Vudu will put this thread to rest since this seems to be a burning issue in some people's view. In the end, it's just a TV show folks, I'd rather see them concentrate their efforts in fixing titles with erroneous encodes and aspect ratios.
                            Again, the indication is that more than the pilot has been censored. With all of Walmart's resources, I think they can multitask with more than one issue to fix. I'd like the issues raised in this thread to be addressed. You've made your point that you don't think that this is a big issue, so please move on and leave this to the folks that do.


                              Re: Breaking Bad Censored

                              So what other scenes not from the pilot are censored?

