, Tom & Jerry Premiere Collection...ever be fixed? The UV for Looney Tunes Platinum Collection Vol 1 and Scooby Doo Where are You Season 1, as well as Tom & Jerry Premiere Collection based on flixster redemptions that are UV and show up in myuv.com...do not sync with Vudu. Whether it is ALID issue or licensing issue, could this please be resolved? Several people are missing the episodes because vudu/flix/myuv are not on the same page for these titles.

In addition, this academy award collection is somewhat pieced together oddly in vudu...as far as how it ports over or has been corrected in Vudu: http://www.vudu.com/movies/#!content...lection-Bundle At least all the episodes are there, but if it is based on an initial Flixster redemption...it is pieced together from several other animated Collections. Perhaps it looks different if it was originally bought directly through Vudu.
