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His Girl Friday

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    His Girl Friday

    "His Girl Friday" is not transferring into VUDU as UHD 4K from MA. It transferred into iTunes properly as 4K. The movie is listed twice in VUDU which in itself is odd. One is HDX (which I already owned) the other listing is UHD 4K. It should have transferred into VUDU in 4K. The fact that there are 2 listings for the same movie, one HDX and one UHD 4k tells me something is off in Vudu concerning that title.

    Some have noticed that for some movies it is taking a bit longer to transfer into Vudu recently.


      Yes, I've noticed that on another older movie that was recently released in UHD 4K, but this movie, "His Girl Friday" is listed twice, once in HDX and another in 4K so it's a bit strange. Thanks.


        Willy Wonka was like that for a long time. And I think still is that way. Eventually though the IDs matched appropriately and our 4K version showed up in our libraries.


          I am having the same issue with His Girl Friday. Also, Sleepless in Seattle is only transferring from MA as HDX (but no separate 4K). They are related in that both were released together Feb. 13 in the Columbia Classics 4K Ultra HD Collection Vol. 4, which contained 4K MA codes for all six films in the set. (The other four -- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Kramer vs. Kramer, Starman, and Punch-Drunk Love -- all ported to Vudu in 4K.)

