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About our current ultraviolet movies...

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    About our current ultraviolet movies...

    So from what I know we will soon be able to watch our current ultraviolet movies on VUDU. What I'm wondering is whether or not these copies will be available in HD or SD? I have about 23 movies collected on UVVU so far, so it would be good to know if they will be in HD or not on VUDU.

    Re: About our current ultraviolet movies...

    I got set up on Sunday with my first converted titles. I was prompted to link my UV account with Vudu first. I was disappointed though that only one of my existing UV titles appeared on vudu.

    I had5 other UV titles and only one, transformers 3 appears on my vudu account. Funny thing is the 4 new vudu conversions, appear on my account, but Flixster shows my original 5 and only 2 of the new vudu titles. It seems that there is still some kinks to be worked in the UV interoperability.


      Re: About our current ultraviolet movies...

      They should all appear. Some of the movies that I have in UV from Warner Bros. appeared in UV and Flixster did not appear immediately under Vudu when I got set up sunday morning at my local Walmart. But they are all there now.

      So yes, current UVVU titles will show up on Vudu, even ones from other companies like


        Re: About our current ultraviolet movies...

        I just signed up for Flixter and it gave me a free title. I checked VUDU a minute later and it was showing up on there as well as able to be watched.


          Re: About our current ultraviolet movies...

          For Flixster (WB, Sony, Universal) and Paramount movies (doing own thing right now) as long each UV movie you have is available on Vudu and on disc-to-digital list, it should be playable on Vudu (There are some exceptions which are being investigated by Vudu). Currently, I think all studios UV movies map to SD quality on Vudu except Paramount which gives an HDX.

          Flixster can also play UV movies from Vudu. However, Flixster can only play anything in SD at the moment (they should allow HD when Flixster launches its own UV store and disc-to-digital service in the upcoming months). And not every Vudu UV movie has a Flixster equivalent (yet). I redeemed 5 DVD to HD upgrades last night, and out of that, 3 had Flixster versions that I could play using their site and mobile app. The others appear in a section of currently unsupported movies on at the bottom of my Flixster collection page. (Again, in upcoming months, Flixster will adds more movies and this won't happen as much).

