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Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

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    Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

    I've noticed this happen a lot. All of the sudden I'll go to my movies via the website and an old movie I redeemed months ago jumps to the top of my page. Most recently it was Batman Year One, a couple Resident Evil movies and Safe House. They were all HDX already, so I don't think the studios manually upgrading would be the cause. It's not really a problem, just something I'm curious about.

    Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

    I've wondered the same thing. I don't notice it too much on vudu, but it happens a lot on flixster.


      Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

      Never happened to me before. Actually its too much effort for me to view movies on laptop anymore with all the website issues. Only thing i can do via the web is redeem UV and come to the forum, every other page is blank.


        Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

        Could it be that it's starting off with the last movie retrieve the previous time you visited their site? I haven't seen this yet, but a refresh should fix the problem on the website.


          Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

          I was wondering the same thing. It has happened twice to me recently.


            Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

            I use both the flixter app and the Vudu player app on my mobile devices. The mobile versions of both sort exclusively by purchase date.

            I too have noticed that inexplicably a title will pop to the top. I suspect it has to do with the UV database in some way, but when I log into the UV portal, there is no indication of the purchase date having changed for the title that jumped.

            Technology is not perfect and this one is still in the initial phase of acceptance. Bugs like these will be ironed out. No worries. Just got live with it for a bit till the invested parties get their acts straight.


              Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

              Originally posted by echopulse View Post
              I've wondered the same thing. I don't notice it too much on vudu, but it happens a lot on flixster.
              My guess on Flixster is that they did something behind the scenes with their versions and that's why it hops.

              For example, if they had issues with a title and did an update on it, such as changing their available copy on the site, it would appear further up the list.

              Most of the stuff I have that is at the bottom are Flixster free titles which don't appear to have been changed in forever, like Perfect Storm and Space Jam, that sorely need to have the ALID fixed.


                Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                Originally posted by teke184 View Post
                My guess on Flixster is that they did something behind the scenes with their versions and that's why it hops.

                For example, if they had issues with a title and did an update on it, such as changing their available copy on the site, it would appear further up the list.

                Most of the stuff I have that is at the bottom are Flixster free titles which don't appear to have been changed in forever, like Perfect Storm and Space Jam, that sorely need to have the ALID fixed.

                My free title "Dangerous Liaisons" did jump in Flixter, but not in Vudu. I bet you are right. Thx.


                  Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                  On flixster it happens weekly, if not more often. On vudu, it happens less often, but it is very annoying. I so wish they would fix the sorting. I don't really care what I purchased last. In a perfect world, new releases would be first, then anything that's older than one year would be sorted alphabetically.


                    Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                    I saw this happen once with the last samurai... when it happend I looked in my UV account and saw that a new UV token had been issued for that movie.... I've not researched the issue but my speculation at that point in time was that Vudu found out that the original UV token the issued was incorrect so they issued a new on and this caused the system to think that is was a newly purchased film.


                      Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                      It happened to me on some devices and apps, but ONLY when a movie I already own is updated in some way.

                      For example, I had a couple of SD movies. I upgraded them to HDX. Afterwards, the movie thumbnail "jumped to the top" in my Vudu collection. It doesn't happen in my web browser (Safari / Mac). I see it happen in some apps and on some devices.


                        Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                        For me I had 3 titles that were purchased in Vudu but not UV. When they became UV from the studio, their chronological place in my list was by the UV date, not the original purchase date.

                        I would suggest a title that moved to the top was updated, and possibly just became a UV title like mine did.


                          Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                          it happens to me here and there too! it was because they upgraded the movie


                            Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                            I think it's when VUDU changes something, for example Resident Evil: Extinction was moved to the #1 spot after VUDU enabled HDX. I imagine the same will happen when Spider 2.1 gets HDX.


                              Re: Anyone know why movies jump to the top?

                              Originally posted by swiss21 View Post
                              I think it's when VUDU changes something, for example Resident Evil: Extinction was moved to the #1 spot after VUDU enabled HDX. I imagine the same will happen when Spider 2.1 gets HDX.
                              I wonder what they change. Mine were already hdx. Maybe they got a new encode or something.

