I have been involved in Digital Copies via iTunes, Vudu, and Ultraviolet for a couple of years now but it still seems like I am still learning something new things.
It used to be that New Disney Blu-rays were exclusive to iTunes. A few months back, that changed, and then New Disney movies could be used at either iTunes or Vudu, but not both. Some companies like Universal give you BOTH an iTunes Digital Copy and an Ultraviolet Digital Copy. That is great!! That typically covers both Digital Copy worlds so to speak.
I also have to mention that with my Ultraviolet account, I have (3) active "users" on my account (family members) that can watch whatever I have on my Ultraviolet account. That is great!!
So, today, I purchase Disney's Frozen and I admit it just says "Digital HD" and I knew that now I have to pick either iTunes or Vudu (there are others I'm sure) but I guess I assumed that if I pick Vudu, it would get assigned to my Ultraviolet account and my other "users" would be able to watch it. Nope. I can watch it on my Vudu account but nobody else linked to my Ultraviolet account. Sorry, Disney, but that seems cheap and cheesy. Maybe someday Disney will offer either an iTunes or Ultraviolet version or both, better yet! Disney = Digital Greedy.
So, with qualifying Blu-ray/DVD purchases:
Digital HD 1 = Either iTunes or Vudu or some other streaming service but only (1) Digital Copy.
Digital HD 2 = Both iTunes AND Ultraviolet Digital copies
Digital HD 3 = iTunes Digital Copy only (This seems to be dying out or is already gone)
Ultraviolet = Shared across multiple streaming services and to other "Ultraviolet User Accounts" but does not include iTunes
Other Non Blu-ray/DVD services:
Digital HD 4 = These are movies and TV shows that you purchase via Vudu, Target Ticket, iTunes, etc. but are strictly tied to the streaming services that you purchased them from
Amazon = Another streaming service which can be viewed via many streaming devices but sort of out there on its own
Just seems like, sometimes, you're just not quite sure what you are going to get with "Digital Copies" unless you read ALL of the fine lines.
So, if other family members on my Ultraviolet User accounts want to watch Disney's Frozen, they will just have to rent or purchase it themselves.
It used to be that New Disney Blu-rays were exclusive to iTunes. A few months back, that changed, and then New Disney movies could be used at either iTunes or Vudu, but not both. Some companies like Universal give you BOTH an iTunes Digital Copy and an Ultraviolet Digital Copy. That is great!! That typically covers both Digital Copy worlds so to speak.
I also have to mention that with my Ultraviolet account, I have (3) active "users" on my account (family members) that can watch whatever I have on my Ultraviolet account. That is great!!
So, today, I purchase Disney's Frozen and I admit it just says "Digital HD" and I knew that now I have to pick either iTunes or Vudu (there are others I'm sure) but I guess I assumed that if I pick Vudu, it would get assigned to my Ultraviolet account and my other "users" would be able to watch it. Nope. I can watch it on my Vudu account but nobody else linked to my Ultraviolet account. Sorry, Disney, but that seems cheap and cheesy. Maybe someday Disney will offer either an iTunes or Ultraviolet version or both, better yet! Disney = Digital Greedy.
So, with qualifying Blu-ray/DVD purchases:
Digital HD 1 = Either iTunes or Vudu or some other streaming service but only (1) Digital Copy.
Digital HD 2 = Both iTunes AND Ultraviolet Digital copies
Digital HD 3 = iTunes Digital Copy only (This seems to be dying out or is already gone)
Ultraviolet = Shared across multiple streaming services and to other "Ultraviolet User Accounts" but does not include iTunes
Other Non Blu-ray/DVD services:
Digital HD 4 = These are movies and TV shows that you purchase via Vudu, Target Ticket, iTunes, etc. but are strictly tied to the streaming services that you purchased them from
Amazon = Another streaming service which can be viewed via many streaming devices but sort of out there on its own
Just seems like, sometimes, you're just not quite sure what you are going to get with "Digital Copies" unless you read ALL of the fine lines.
So, if other family members on my Ultraviolet User accounts want to watch Disney's Frozen, they will just have to rent or purchase it themselves.