I've been having some problems with getting Vudu to Go or my BD drive or some combination of both to recognize BDs when trying to do D2D and was hoping that someone here could provide some insight or help into resolving this issue.
Here's some background and info:
Computer: iMac running OS 10.6.8
Drive: Samsung External BD Writer drive (SE-506BB)
Vudu-To-Go: 2.2.0
I bought the Samsung BD Drive a few years ago and did many of rounds of in-home D2D with no problems other than the normal hitches, like some titles not being eligible or not being recognized correctly. However, the BD drive always recognized the disc, even though the Vudu-To-Go app may have said the title was ineligible for D2D or misidentified the disc.
After that initial burst of D2Ds, I didn't really do too many for a couple years until I realized that some of the promo credits I had in my account had expiration dates associated with them and so tried to do some more D2Ds to use up some of my credits before they expired. However, when I tried, the BD drive didn't seem to recognize any of the discs anymore (or at least the V2G app didn't ever seem to think a disc was inserted into the drive).
At first, I thought it might just be particular titles it was having trouble with (which has happened before) and so tried a bunch of other ones, and none of them worked. I checked to make sure those titles were D2D eligible and they were.
Next, I checked to see if the drive itself was faulty by inserting a DVD and trying to play it with the DVD Player (I don't have a BD player program for my Mac so I had to test the drive's functionality using a DVD instead), and it worked just fine, so I'm pretty sure the drive itself is working. I think that there is something going on with the V2G app or the way it interacts with the Samsung drive.
I'm pretty sure the V2G app in general is working since it seems like lots of other people online are not having issues, so I'm thinking that there is something about the way the V2G app and the drive are interacting, or how these interact with a Mac, that is the problem.
I tried looking up the drive on Samsung's site to see if maybe there was an updated driver, but I can't find this (or any external BD drive) on their site at all, even the current versions. (Amazon still seems to be selling current versions of this external BD writer, so I'm not sure why I can't find them on the Samsung site, unless there is a different Samsung site?).
Has anyone had a similar problem, or have any ideas what could be the problem?
I would really like to do some more in home D2D (so I can get the in home 50% discount for doing more than 10 at a time), and I would really like to use up some more of my VUDU credits before any more expire (the only thing I use my VUDU credits on are D2D). I've already lost quite a bit of my VUDU credits simply from them expiring because I can't get the in home D2D to work and the expiration dates on my credits have come and gone.
Can anyone help on this?
Here's some background and info:
Computer: iMac running OS 10.6.8
Drive: Samsung External BD Writer drive (SE-506BB)
Vudu-To-Go: 2.2.0
I bought the Samsung BD Drive a few years ago and did many of rounds of in-home D2D with no problems other than the normal hitches, like some titles not being eligible or not being recognized correctly. However, the BD drive always recognized the disc, even though the Vudu-To-Go app may have said the title was ineligible for D2D or misidentified the disc.
After that initial burst of D2Ds, I didn't really do too many for a couple years until I realized that some of the promo credits I had in my account had expiration dates associated with them and so tried to do some more D2Ds to use up some of my credits before they expired. However, when I tried, the BD drive didn't seem to recognize any of the discs anymore (or at least the V2G app didn't ever seem to think a disc was inserted into the drive).
At first, I thought it might just be particular titles it was having trouble with (which has happened before) and so tried a bunch of other ones, and none of them worked. I checked to make sure those titles were D2D eligible and they were.
Next, I checked to see if the drive itself was faulty by inserting a DVD and trying to play it with the DVD Player (I don't have a BD player program for my Mac so I had to test the drive's functionality using a DVD instead), and it worked just fine, so I'm pretty sure the drive itself is working. I think that there is something going on with the V2G app or the way it interacts with the Samsung drive.
I'm pretty sure the V2G app in general is working since it seems like lots of other people online are not having issues, so I'm thinking that there is something about the way the V2G app and the drive are interacting, or how these interact with a Mac, that is the problem.
I tried looking up the drive on Samsung's site to see if maybe there was an updated driver, but I can't find this (or any external BD drive) on their site at all, even the current versions. (Amazon still seems to be selling current versions of this external BD writer, so I'm not sure why I can't find them on the Samsung site, unless there is a different Samsung site?).
Has anyone had a similar problem, or have any ideas what could be the problem?
I would really like to do some more in home D2D (so I can get the in home 50% discount for doing more than 10 at a time), and I would really like to use up some more of my VUDU credits before any more expire (the only thing I use my VUDU credits on are D2D). I've already lost quite a bit of my VUDU credits simply from them expiring because I can't get the in home D2D to work and the expiration dates on my credits have come and gone.
Can anyone help on this?