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What I want for Christmas Vudu

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    What I want for Christmas Vudu

    Dear VuduClaus,

    I hope the Vudu elves are busy working on a holiday surprise for us, since you've spoiled us with the Thanksgiving surprise!

    I would like to wake up on Christmas day and find HD content, a subtitle option, a larger movie collection with more contemporary titles, and a shorter timeframe from DVD release to Vudu rental. Any one of those presents would be a very nice Christmas gift VuduClaus! I'll be nice not naughty!

    Hey - I can dream can't I?

    Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

    Originally posted by mbustin View Post
    Hi VuduClaus, . . .

    I'll be nice not naughty!
    Your suggestions are good. It'd be wonderful to find anyone of them as a surprise!
    Last edited by klieb; 11-30-2007, 11:05 AM. Reason: Forgetful me . . .


      Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

      I want to wake up and find a bundle of porn on my vudu.

      Ok - only kidding (sort-of).


        Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

        Am I the only one interested in free content? like Podcasts?

        "I all want for Christmas is some free content, some free content"


          Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

          I put that in as a request as well. Either podcast support, or better yet the ability to stream from another system on my network.

          There are plenty of video podcasts I'd love to watch in my living room, some of which are actually in HD (Tekzilla anyone?) - since the Vudu needs to stay closed, I think simply using the drive to buffer content that's streamed from another machine would be a reasonable solution - sort of like what Orb does, but at a much higher level of quality.

          Either allow the Vudu to browse my network, or come up with a small Orb-like app that sits on my machine with all my video podcasts and let me pick directories for the Vudu to have access to.



            Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

            Yep, I've told VUDU that, while I understand that extended features may take a back seat to delivering movies, if they make it a media extender for video, and audio, users will be using the interface a LOT more, and while we're using the VUDU anyway, we'll probably say "Hey, let's check the paid content and see if there's a movie we feel like seeing?" I think it would be really good for content sales, as well as a feature I know I'd use every day.


              Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

              From klieb:

              Mbustin . . . . I deleted my silly comment and your kidding reply . . . . . I sure wouldn't want any one to misinterpret me.

              (I'm just drawn this way . . . . really).
              Last edited by klieb; 11-30-2007, 11:09 AM.


                Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                More HD content for Christmas would be fantastic!
                Vudu Forum Moderator


                  Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                  Originally posted by JohnA View Post
                  More HD content for Christmas would be fantastic!
                  I guarantee it!

                  Bourne Part 3 in HD comes out December 11th...


                    Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                    I mean something other than Matt Damon's mug in HD.
                    Vudu Forum Moderator


                      Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                      I'm really surprised no one has mentioned that TV shows would be nice for Christmas. Would be really nice if Vudu could start getting some current run content or even older series. I'd love it if I woke up Christmas morning and found the StarTreks and Babylon 5 all available! Who knows if the TV guys will sign on to such an offering...


                        Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                        Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                        I'm really surprised no one has mentioned that TV shows would be nice for Christmas. Would be really nice if Vudu could start getting some current run content or even older series. I'd love it if I woke up Christmas morning and found the StarTreks and Babylon 5 all available! Who knows if the TV guys will sign on to such an offering...
                        It's the rental delay that's killing me. The movies I want to see are available now on DVD ("La Vie En Rose" and "The Namesake") and won't be rentable on Vudu until the end of December ... I'm not willing to wait that long to see something on Vudu (particularly with no subtitles) ...

                        I figure at least HD will be good since I won't be buying an HD-DVD or Blu-ray player because I don't buy DVDs and they're not rentable at BB ...

                        Right now, Vudu is not a good fit for me and I should have waited to buy because for me -- the box is nothing more than a well-engineered, high-priced doorstop ... frustrating ...


                          Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                          Originally posted by mbustin View Post
                          It's the rental delay that's killing me. The movies I want to see are available now on DVD ("La Vie En Rose" and "The Namesake") and won't be rentable on Vudu until the end of December ... I'm not willing to wait that long to see something on Vudu (particularly with no subtitles) ...

                          I figure at least HD will be good since I won't be buying an HD-DVD or Blu-ray player because I don't buy DVDs and they're not rentable at BB ...

                          Right now, Vudu is not a good fit for me and I should have waited to buy because for me -- the box is nothing more than a well-engineered, high-priced doorstop ... frustrating ...
                          I think you are the only person I have met who absolutely positively has to rent a new release the day it is out. I have never seen someone as obsessed with this. I'm not trying to be critical here, but as I have asked before - do you really have to watch them on the Tuesday they come out?

                          How do you have the time to watch all these as soon as they come out? Between kids and network TV, I'm lucky if I get to new movies a month later.

                          It does sound like the Vudu isn't for you. Maybe it would be a good idea to sell it. I know there's a couple of us here on the forums that would gladly take your box off your hands.

                          I'm sorry that with all the wonderful features of the box and the ability to watch things immediately that it still doesn't fit your requirements. I agree 100% with you that I think it silly that ALL movies aren't both rental and purchasable from the moment they are released. It is annoying. But I guess I'm willing to wait more than two months for the studios to come around to this. Anyhow, I am truly sorry it didn't work out for you.


                            Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                            Originally posted by mbustin View Post
                            It's the rental delay that's killing me. The movies I want to see are available now on DVD ("La Vie En Rose" and "The Namesake") and won't be rentable on Vudu until the end of December ... I'm not willing to wait that long to see something on Vudu (particularly with no subtitles) ...

                            I figure at least HD will be good since I won't be buying an HD-DVD or Blu-ray player because I don't buy DVDs and they're not rentable at BB ...

                            Right now, Vudu is not a good fit for me and I should have waited to buy because for me -- the box is nothing more than a well-engineered, high-priced doorstop ... frustrating ...
                            Wow...I never even see the blockbuster movies in the theater until they have been out for at least two weeks, just to avoid the crowds...yes, we still go to the theater once in a while (mostly weekend matinees), just to get out of the house. Most movies I don't care to see in the theater I either buy at the next Deep Discount DVD sale (twice a year), or wait until it comes on basic cable to see if it's worth buying. At least, that's what I did until I got my VUDU!


                              Re: What I want for Christmas Vudu

                              Originally posted by NA9D View Post
                              I think you are the only person I have met who absolutely positively has to rent a new release the day it is out. I have never seen someone as obsessed with this. I'm not trying to be critical here, but as I have asked before - do you really have to watch them on the Tuesday they come out?

                              How do you have the time to watch all these as soon as they come out? Between kids and network TV, I'm lucky if I get to new movies a month later.
                              I do keep tabs on what's coming out every Tuesday and if there's something I'm interested in, I'll pick it up and watch it sometime during the week. That means we might average 2 movies a week which doesn't seem like obsessive behavior to me.

                              We don't have kids and we watch very little network TV, so we do have more time for movies. I guess that's why we look forward to new releases more than most here ...

                              I'm sure I'm not alone in this regard, so you don't need to paint me as an obsessive-compulsive ... perhaps just a reluctant malcontent waiting for better Vudu days ...

