

Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

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Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

The Fandango at Home Forums are designed to help viewers get the most out of their Fandango at Home experience. Here, Fandango at Home customers may post information, questions, ideas, etc. on the subject of Fandango at Home and Fandango at Home -related issues (home theater, entertainment, etc). Although the primary purpose of these forums is to help Fandango at Home customers with questions and/or problems with their Fandango at Home service, there are also off-topic areas available within the Fandango at Home Forums for users to chat with like-minded people, subject to the limitations below.

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The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

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  • NJScorpio
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by Y2Bogus View Post
    On the movie front, 300 of my 400 movies have ported. Without digging too deeply, it seems to be Paramount, etc, that didn't Port.
    Lionsgate and Paramount are a huge part of my collection, apparently. There are some MGM tiltes I have that are UV by way of codes (James Bond movies) but MGM titles I bought directly through Vudu are not UV enabled (Bill & Ted).

    In my Vudu app, it says I have 660 movies (which I think counts bundles just once each). I believe last night Movies Anywhere showed about 480 titles in my collection. That's a pretty big hit.

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  • Y2Bogus
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by jeremymc7 View Post
    My UV account increased by an added 17 movies in iTunes but not in UV

    My iTunes account increased by an added 1145 movies in UV but not in iTunes.


    Now let's just get Paramount / Lionsgate and I'll be happy.

    Anyone know about MGM it wasn't mentioned as a partner studio. Does it fall under FOX perhaps?
    MGM isn't a partner. They're pretty iffy on uv as well. I have some MGM movies like bill and Ted that don't even have the uv logo. I think Paramount and Lions gate will join eventually, but MGM is up in the air.

    On the movie front, 300 of my 400 movies have ported. Without digging too deeply, it seems to be Paramount, etc, that didn't Port.

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  • jeremymc7
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    My UV account increased by an added 17 movies in iTunes but not in UV

    My iTunes account increased by an added 1145 movies in UV but not in iTunes.


    Now let's just get Paramount / Lionsgate and I'll be happy.

    Anyone know about MGM it wasn't mentioned as a partner studio. Does it fall under FOX perhaps?

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  • NJScorpio
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by mrewster View Post
    myuv is updating now
    Not yet for me either

    I know myuv displays all the stats of your titles...what resolutions you own and where you redeemed it, and when. I'm very interested in seeing how the SD UV movies I redeemed directly through MoviesAnywhere appear on myuv.

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  • Roxie_Muzic
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by mrewster View Post
    myuv is updating now
    Chuckle, not mine, UVVU is just a total cluster and always has been, but it is what we had and still have for a great number of titles that are not porting over to Movies Anywhere. Sigh......

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  • ShrunkenHead83
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by AnemicOak View Post
    Vudu now has is flagged with the MA logo, but so far I haven't had it transfer. I have purchased a different movie since then (Kelly's Heroes) and it ported to MA right away so not sure why BvS UE seems "stuck", give it time I guess.
    I disconnected and reconnected Vudu, which Got BvS UE to port to MA and Amazon; now I Just need it to port to iTunes.

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  • AnemicOak
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by tbdave View Post
    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition) is listed at the Movies Anywhere website. But it doesn't have the MA symbol at Vudu. And it doesn't transfer over to MA.!conten...e-Extended-Cut
    Vudu now has is flagged with the MA logo, but so far I haven't had it transfer. I have purchased a different movie since then (Kelly's Heroes) and it ported to MA right away so not sure why BvS UE seems "stuck", give it time I guess.

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  • danglin709
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by Dive86 View Post
    Hey guys for some reason my Star Trek movies didn?t transfer
    Star Trek is Paramount which is not currently part of MA

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  • Dive86
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Hey guys for some reason my Star Trek movies didn?t transfer

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  • mrewster
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    myuv is updating now

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  • NJScorpio
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    I took the SD UV code for Chappie, redeemed it on MoviesAnywhere.

    It then appeared in my Vudu account as HD, as well as my Fandangonow account as HD, so RBBrittain discovered, new additions are feeding into our UltraViolet libraries.

    So perhaps, for now, when we redeem an Ultraviolet code on Moviesanywhere from a studio that supports MA & UV, we'll get both versions added to their respective lockers.

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  • NJScorpio
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by RBBrittain View Post
    (Edit: None of the new titles are in my MyUV library yet. I know from past experience that the current version of MyUV does *NOT* access the UV library directly, so it doesn't surprise me that AVP:R Unrated, Elf, Ghostbusters (2016) EE & The Pianist aren't in MyUV but clearly did port to other UV retailers, not just Vudu. That only confirms that everyone's UV library still exists.)
    Thank you for posting this, having dealt with over the years I know how clunky and slow to update it can be.

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  • RBBrittain
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Originally posted by NJScorpio View Post
    I don't recall seeing anything anywhere that said by agreeing to connecting Vudu to MA, I'd be loosing all my UV licenses.

    I also want to know under what "locker" my licenses are stored that didn't transfer to MA, that are UV. Such as the James Bond series, and my HBO UV TV series. Are they stored within Vudu in the same way titles that are were never UV are stored in Vudu?

    Why should my Lionsgate and Paramount UV titles be gone from my UV library?
    UV is simply having problems displaying your library right now; it hasn't gone away. I was able to bring up my UV library (over 700 titles) earlier this morning on MyUV; AFAICT everything was still there. All UV titles, whether in MA or not, should still be in your UV library; MA copies them from Vudu, not UV directly.

    I had three UV/MA-eligible titles in the other MA services -- AVP: Requiem (Unrated) on iTunes, Elf on Google Play, and The Pianist on Amazon -- plus Ghostbusters (2016) Extended Edition from the freebies; all of them were added to Vudu, and all but AVP:R Unrated made it thru UV to FandangoNow. (Apparently FN has only the regular AVP:R; the unrated version does show up in the Paramount Movies app for Android, so it did make it to UV.) I haven't had a chance to verify whether or not all my Vudu titles are at the other MA retailers; IIRC 100% of my UV library is in Vudu.

    If you don't see your freebies everywhere, it's entirely possible that you already had them. Ghostbusters (2016) EE was the only one of the five freebies that I didn't have already in either UV or DMA; I had only the regular 2016 edition (plus the original & Ghostbusters II) in UV.

    (Edit: None of the new titles are in my MyUV library yet. I know from past experience that the current version of MyUV does *NOT* access the UV library directly, so it doesn't surprise me that AVP:R Unrated, Elf, Ghostbusters (2016) EE & The Pianist aren't in MyUV but clearly did port to other UV retailers, not just Vudu. That only confirms that everyone's UV library still exists.)
    Last edited by RBBrittain; 10-13-2017, 07:32 AM. Reason: Expand

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  • SinGA
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    my Ultraviolet locker is empty now too.

    Edit: i see this now on their site:

    The UltraViolet website is unavailable due to maintenance.
    Please log in again later, or visit one of our partner websites below.

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  • helmet0628
    Re: The Official Movies Anywhere Thread

    Whats the deal with Disc to Digital will these movies show up in itunes. Some of the movies i purchased such as leathal weopon via disc to digital show up in Amazon, Vudu, and Google Play. But not itunes not sure what is going on since all of the other moves seem to be there.

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