

Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

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Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

The Fandango at Home Forums are designed to help viewers get the most out of their Fandango at Home experience. Here, Fandango at Home customers may post information, questions, ideas, etc. on the subject of Fandango at Home and Fandango at Home -related issues (home theater, entertainment, etc). Although the primary purpose of these forums is to help Fandango at Home customers with questions and/or problems with their Fandango at Home service, there are also off-topic areas available within the Fandango at Home Forums for users to chat with like-minded people, subject to the limitations below.

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Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

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  • lujan
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by Roxie_Muzic View Post

    I think that the poster got someone in customer service that did not have an answer, so this one was handy. My experience with CinemaNow customer service has been, an epic failure, on each & every contact.

    It is for this reason that VUDU really reigns, so far the customer service has been excellent with VUDU.
    I agree completely, I have had excellent results from Vudu customer service and terrible results (for the most part) on CinemaNow. Don't know how they stay in business?

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  • Roxie_Muzic
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Not much of a fan of CinemaNow, but my library currently reflects 957 in CinemaNow with no problems or issues in the Web based CinemaNow library. The most recent UV purchases are currently showing up, they were purchased yesterday when I was already over the 900 mark or 937 for that matter. The 957 figure is accurate, it is missing some of my UV titles that CinemaNow does not currently have UV licensing for, such as X-Men 2, but an accurate count for what they do have in their UV licensing, which corresponds to my UV locker.

    Can't say the same for the Apple, Android, or set top CinemaNow apps. They reflect, depending on the app, from 1800 to more than 3000. This is due to duplicate UV listings & what I generously refer to as multiple "zombie copies" of all of the TV show episodes and some of the early UV listings (multiple is a kind representation, boatload would be a better representation). The "zombie copies" do not work/stream, they just take up a lot of real estate.

    I think that the poster got someone in customer service that did not have an answer, so this one was handy. My experience with CinemaNow customer service has been, an epic failure, on each & every contact.

    It is for this reason that VUDU really reigns, so far the customer service has been excellent with VUDU.

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  • LuzRinggold
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by watcherseven View Post
    I know this is probably not the right place to post this, but I felt that maybe this might help or get some feed back for me regarding Cinemanow.

    Let me start by saying that Vudu is far superior to Cinemanow. Did anyone experience an issue with a huge library on Cinemanow ultraviolet?

    I have 1792 and Cinemanow shows only 934 of my titles. They say that the reason is that I have reached my limit for library titles? Vudu will show all. So I wanted to ask if other members with big libraries are having or have had similiar issues.

    Also this post is to let others know that if you have over 900 titles they won't show more that that and your new UV titles will not show according to their support team.

    So, long live VUDU!
    If 900 titles is their limit then why do they show you 934, 34 over their limit?

    They really need to get this problem fixed!

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  • watcherseven
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I know this is probably not the right place to post this, but I felt that maybe this might help or get some feed back for me regarding Cinemanow.

    Let me start by saying that Vudu is far superior to Cinemanow. Did anyone experience an issue with a huge library on Cinemanow ultraviolet?

    I have 1792 and Cinemanow shows only 934 of my titles. They say that the reason is that I have reached my limit for library titles? Vudu will show all. So I wanted to ask if other members with big libraries are having or have had similiar issues.

    Also this post is to let others know that if you have over 900 titles they won't show more that that and your new UV titles will not show according to their support team.

    So, long live VUDU!

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  • dunham44
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    im up to 1691! woohoo! almost 1700!

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  • echopulse
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I just crossed the 500 mark!

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  • MoWeb
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I recently past the 1300 mark

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  • Walter-S_North_Carolina
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here? is how mine stacks up;


    For me, this was a hard fought battle to make it to this mark. I am not a rich man, but take pride in doing a job well done and am quite proud of the library as it stands now.

    I am standing down for awhile to take up sniping positions on the few titles I am waiting on D2D availability for.

    Feel free to lap me. I will catch up to you again sooner or later. I am a relentless foe.

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  • Fofer
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Right behind ya, with 243.

    Only about 3 or 4 of those are in SD. The rest are HDX.

    And I think only one or two are VUDU-exclusive, the rest are all there via UltraViolet, code redemptions and D2D (@home and in store.)

    My collection on reports 245 (I'm pretty sure this is due to duplicates they've told me they can't clear up.) And my linked collection on Flixster reports 242.

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  • Walter-S_North_Carolina
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Made it to the 250 mark!!!!

    just added nine via in-store D2D.

    92.5% HDX

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  • lostinva
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    On VUDU, I've got 362 movies and 11 full seasons. I believe a dozen of those may be VUDU only. Per UVVU, my Ultraviolet total is 379 movies and 13 seasons.

    My inventory shows 15 movies with D2D available and 125 movies that are not. If the two main offenders of my not available list (Disney and MGM) would get with the program, I'd hit that 500 mark.

    Looking forward to a big score come Black Friday if Walmart offers some decent titles at the right price point.

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  • Walter-S_North_Carolina
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by nganiere View Post
    I've now joined the 1200+ club, as of 9/13/13, 1:49 AM CST I got 1224 movies, and 23 TV seasons......

    LOL!!! Didn't even notice today was Friday the 13th of September and I had loaded some Friday the 13th movies.....


    Maybe someday I will too. My trajectory is about five per month though and I have depleted my D2D shelf stock.

    As for F-13, IMHO Part 3 is the best. It was originally released in 3D and there is a cross bow involved that had very good 3D effects. I like that brand much better then Halloween.

    Happy Friday the 13th!!!

    BTW I am curious, about what percentage would you say are HDX?

    Recently, I have become an HDX purist. I am even going back and sniping titles that are SD and looking for ways to get them HDX.

    For instance, I picked up a copy of "Sherlock Holmes" (2009) for $2 at a pawn shop. I find it a good place to troll for titles and it is on my way into work. I already had the title, but in SD. I used the DVD to get my SD into HDX via a D2D upgrade. Total cost = $7.35. I would do the same for any of the other SD titles I have in my library.

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  • nganiere
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I've now joined the 1200+ club, as of 9/13/13, 1:49 AM CST I got 1224 movies, and 23 TV seasons......

    LOL!!! Didn't even notice today was Friday the 13th of September and I had loaded some Friday the 13th movies.....

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  • nganiere
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by Walter-S_North_Carolina View Post
    Ohh, The 6th Day. That is a good one. Hows it look in HDX?
    yet to watch it, but yeah mine is HDX....I'll let you know if I get around to watching it later.....Elektra Director's Cut watched the other night though which is in HDX and it was a pretty awesome movie....

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  • Walter-S_North_Carolina
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by nganiere View Post

    my collection is at 1165 movies and 19 tv of September 3rd, 6:18PM CST
    Ohh, The 6th Day. That is a good one. Hows it look in HDX?

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