

Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

The Fandango at Home Forums are designed to help viewers get the most out of their Fandango at Home experience. Here, Fandango at Home customers may post information, questions, ideas, etc. on the subject of Fandango at Home and Fandango at Home -related issues (home theater, entertainment, etc). Although the primary purpose of these forums is to help Fandango at Home customers with questions and/or problems with their Fandango at Home service, there are also off-topic areas available within the Fandango at Home Forums for users to chat with like-minded people, subject to the limitations below.

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Fandango at Home Forum Guidelines

The Fandango at Home Forums are designed to help viewers get the most out of their Fandango at Home experience. Here, Fandango at Home customers may post information, questions, ideas, etc. on the subject of Fandango at Home and Fandango at Home -related issues (home theater, entertainment, etc). Although the primary purpose of these forums is to help Fandango at Home customers with questions and/or problems with their Fandango at Home service, there are also off-topic areas available within the Fandango at Home Forums for users to chat with like-minded people, subject to the limitations below.

Please post all comments in English. When posting a comment in the Fandango at Home Forums, please conduct yourself in a respectful and civil manner. While we respect that you may feel strongly about an issue, please leave room for discussion.

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Additionally, please keep in mind that although Fandango at Home retains the right to monitor, edit, and/or remove posts within Fandango at Home Forums, it does not necessarily review every comment. Accordingly, specific questions about Fandango at Home products and services should be directed to Fandango at Home customer service representatives.

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Additionally, please keep in mind that although Fandango at Home retains the right to monitor, edit, and/or remove posts within Fandango at Home Forums, it does not necessarily review every comment. Accordingly, specific questions about Fandango at Home products and services should be directed to Fandango at Home customer service representatives.

Terms of Use - User Comments, Feedback, Reviews, Submissions

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Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

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  • quackman
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by billygreen23 View Post
    Does anyone know how many total movies are available on Vudu?
    It's currently at 22,111. So, that one person owns like 50% of Vudu's entire library! Wow. Just think how much that is in terms of $$!!

    I am currently at 1,726. I don't want to even think about how much money I've spent!

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  • billygreen23
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Does anyone know how many total movies are available on Vudu?

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  • danglin709
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by Fofer View Post

    Bumping this thread to see who the current leader is. A library of of over 10,000 titles. That's incredible!
    Im closing on on 4000 (at 3943 right now) but 10k or 11k is amazing

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  • Fofer
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by nganiere View Post

    my latest adds, but it's not the largest collection I've seen, I have a buddy who has over 10,000 and is fast approaching 11,000.....

    Bumping this thread to see who the current leader is. A library of of over 10,000 titles. That's incredible!

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  • Rex Strother
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by Walter-S_North_Carolina View Post
    Plus, what percent is Vudu purchases and what part came from D2D.
    I'd say easily I'm 75% to 80% D2D. D2D is such a great way to build a UV collection.

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  • Rex Strother
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I currently am at 4,518 movies at VUDU - probably 4,250 are UV, 100+ being DMA (Disney, Marvel) and 152 TV series (more if you count each season).

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  • setgang6
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I'm at 1566 movies on Vudu currently after starting my digital collection only one year ago, but I also delete any doubles I have. So basically I only keep the director's cuts & unrated versions of films I own. I delete theatrical editions if I have an extended version of the same movie. I also have a lot of bundles too. I'm OCD like that & can't stand having doubles in my library. The number is less relevant than a pleasing aesthetic to me.

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  • Irishbluegerman2
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by lujan View Post
    How could you possibly watch all of those? I have a fairly large collection but I watch all of my movies/tv shows. It might take a couple or three years but I get through all of them.

    2 UHD
    724 HDX
    2 SD
    I love when people say "How could you watch all of those", like it's all literal and there's something wrong with it (lol). Sometimes it's great to have a huge library from which to select, because you never know what you're in the mood to see.

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  • Irishbluegerman2
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    As of today I have 3,272 titles. 90% are HDX.

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  • jeremymc7
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    My Vudu My Movie counter states 1259 which is counting collections (Bond, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park) as one title so the actual movie count is probably closer to 1500.

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  • Capt-Cupcake
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I'm at 1326

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  • Gunnerb52
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Originally posted by Walter-S_North_Carolina View Post
    I'm @ 109 and climbing at the rate of about two per week. Some weeks a bit more.

    I will be a long time getting up to the next click on the odometer of four digits. I just breached triple digits this past Friday.

    One thing I am carefull of though. I always elect HDX upgrade when available. It makes a big difference in picture quality and considering there is no easy upgrade path when a title gets entered into the UV locker, I always elect the upgrade at the time of entry into UV.

    I wonder how many of the big number members have their collection as latteral upgrades from DVD-->SD instead of DVD-->HDX.

    Plus, what percent is Vudu purchases and what part came from D2D.

    Mine is at 289 and about to add 2 dozen more. I order movies from Amazon when they get deeply discounted for a few days $3-5 and then go back up in price. About half them come with with a UV copy and the others I have to do D2D. Though recently about half those are not being recognized by VUDU or they are being recognized as the wrong format and even if I wanted to pay the extra to "upgrade" it to HDX it won't let me. I won't bother with the ultra upgrade because the purpose of the digital movies is so I can watch something when not at home and on a tablet HDX or even SD is fine.

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  • ttyler26
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Wow I Thought I was doing something with over 1000 movies geez.... lol the people in this forum gave me something to work for now

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  • quackman
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    I'm currently at 1,655, but my rate of movie additions has greatly decreased. I'm at the point now where I'm mostly purchasing new releases. I have a list of about 25 catalog movies I want when they become available. If MGM ever adds UV to all their movies, or Touchstone movie prices ever come down, then my list of catalog movies I want will grow to well over 100.

    It would be interesting to know the collection sizes of the top 10% of Vudu users. Can you provide some statistics for us Vudu???

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  • jeremymc7
    Re: Who's got the biggest VUDU (D2D, UV) library here?

    Ya 10k is crazy. I thought I was insane around 2k and showing every week.

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